AK Oberösterreich is committed to more opportunities for opportunities for driving license acquisition
Linz (ots) –

The driver’s license opens doors to many professions, but not everyone can cope with the test straight away. Especially for young people with learning and reading difficulties, the acquisition of the driver’s license often represents a major hurdle. Young people who are successfully accompanied as part of a partial qualification or an extended apprenticeship for the professional qualification often fail due to the theoretical driving license test. As part of the AK training offensive, the youth at Werk GmbH in the “Schehonme” project dealt intensively with the examination and preparation system.

In the “Scheinonme” project, not only the complexity of the examination system, but also the language level of questions with regard to equal opportunities for young people with learning and reading impairment were examined. Structural analyzes and trials of alternative examination options were carried out. In addition, the project accompanied young people up to 29 years from Upper Austria through coaching and learning support on their way to a driver’s license. In the course of the project, it turned out that equal opportunities for the existing examination system are neglected and the need for support is much greater than assumed.

An examination system with many hurdles
The existing theoretical examination system of class B comprises around 1,500 questions. This extensive learning material often leads to great excessive demands without suitable learning strategies and understanding -oriented mediation formats. In addition, there are linguistic hurdles, especially through the complex wording of the exam questions, which are an additional barrier for people with learning and reading difficulties. These challenges lead to a double disadvantage: those who already have difficult starting conditions often also fail due to the driving license test.

The driver’s license should not be an insurmountable hurdle, especially if it is required for many professions“, Says AK President Andreas Stangl.

High need for support
The “Scheinonme” project illustrates the high need for support when acquiring the theoretical driver’s license test, especially in young people with learning and reading weakness. There is an urgent need for action to ensure equal opportunities.

Recommendations for the preparation and examination system:

  • The evaluation system of multiple choice questions should be simplified, as it is a significant challenge for driver’s headlights: inside.
  • Learning documents and exam questions should be implemented in the sense of equal opportunities and accessibility in simple language (B1 level).
  • When checking, attention should be paid to a trouble -free setting in order not to disturb the concentration of the exam participants: not to disturb inside. Alternatively, exams in the individual setting should be considered.

The detailed press document can be found for download here.
A photo of AK President Andreas Stangl and Monika Femold, Managing Director Jugend on Werk GmbH, can be found for download here.
Photo credit: AK OÖ / Wolfgang Spitzbart

Chamber of Labor Upper Austria
Mag. Ulrike Achleitner
Telephone: +43 (0) 50/6906-2155
E-mail: Ulrike.achleleitner@akooe.at
Website: https://ooe.arbeiterkammer.at/impressum

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