AIDS Help Vienna: PrEP application is an important signal on today’s World AIDS Day

AIDS Help Vienna: PrEP application is an important signal on today’s World AIDS Day

We welcome the motion for a resolution presented today on effective HIV prevention through low-threshold and free access to HIV PrEP

On today’s World AIDS Day, the motion for a resolution just presented by the four parliamentary parties ÖVP, SPÖ, Greens and Neos on effective HIV prevention through low-threshold and free access to HIV-PrEP is a particularly important signal that we very much welcome. And the statement from ÖGK chairman Andreas Huss, who also believes it is time to examine low-threshold access to PrEP and find innovative forms of financing, clearly shows us that there is broad support for this important demand

Andrea Brunner, Managing Director Aids HIlfe Vienna

Vienna (OTS) “On today’s World AIDS Day, the motion for a resolution just presented by the four parliamentary parties ÖVP, SPÖ, Greens and Neos on effective HIV prevention through low-threshold and free access to HIV-PrEP is a particularly important signal that we very much welcome. And the statement from ÖGK chairman Andreas Huss, who believes it is time to examine low-threshold access to PrEP and to find innovative forms of financing, clearly shows us that there is broad support for this important demand.”said Andrea Brunner, managing director of Aids Hilfe Wien.

PrEP can be taken as a preventative measure by an HIV-negative person to protect themselves from becoming infected with the HIV virus. When taken correctly, it works just as reliably as the condom or TasP (Treatment as Prevention) and is therefore considered a safer sex method when it comes to HIV.

“We have been saying it for a long time: effective HIV prevention should not be a question of income! This application is the right step so that we will hopefully soon have PrEP available to all groups vulnerable to HIV at a low threshold and free of charge. “This brings us a giant step closer to our goal of ending new HIV infections by 2030,” Brunner concluded.

Questions & Contact:

AIDS Help Vienna
Juliana Metyko-Papousek, Bakk.phil.
+43(0)1/59937-82 /

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