Aid organization for Elementary Education Day on January 24th: Don’t endanger the educational partnership through austerity measures!

The Austrian relief organization is calling for the telephone and video interpreting service “We understand each other” to be resumed for kindergartens and expanded to include childminders.

Vienna (OTS) With the telephone and video interpreting service “We understand each other”, the federal government has provided kindergartens and schools with an important instrument from April 2021 to support the educational partnership between educational staff and parents. However, kindergartens can no longer use the offer as of this school year, but it remains in effect for schools. An absolutely incomprehensible decision, criticizes the Austrian relief organization and calls for the offer to be resumed for kindergartens and expanded to include childminders.

When a child attends a children’s educational institution, a collaboration begins between legal guardians and educational specialists on the subject of the child’s education and upbringing. This Parenting and educational partnership plays an important role in ensuring the best possible Development and support of the child. It is therefore also specifically required in federal documents such as the cross-state educational framework plan for elementary educational institutions in Austria.

Communication between parents and professionals influences children’s educational paths

Regular Communication and dialogue are the basis of a successful, high-quality educational partnership. However, talking about child development, emotional or educational issues can be very difficult complex prove. Particularly when guardians and educational professionals do not speak the same first language.

Misunderstandings caused by language This can result in long-term strain on the educational partnership, which in turn has a negative impact on the child’s development. In April 2021, the BMBWF therefore discussed the possibility of one Free video and telephone interpreting services established with the name “We understand each other”. The offer is available nationwide in 61 languages ​​and could originally be used by both schools and kindergartens.

“The offer was a valuable relief for educational institutions during the pandemic. But even after that, it is a great tool to increase efficiency in parenting work through less time and effort higher quality parent communication to increase and thus significantly strengthen trust in the educational partnership,” said Rebecca Jankerspecialist for children, youth, family and psychosocial services at the Austrian Relief Organization. “It is all the more incomprehensible that the offer for kindergartens was quietly canceled this school year. It is a real problem to put kindergartens at a disadvantage compared to schools as the primary educational institution here!”criticizes Janker.

Aid organization calls for rapid reintroduction and expansion of interpreting services

Already through that anyway Personal- and with that too Zeitmangel Janker emphasizes that the severely strained elementary education field should not be put under even greater pressure through additional savings and cancellations of important support services. Also for them Parents it is essential if possible without misunderstandings Being able to ask questions, express concerns or get helpful information directly from the educator. Education expert Janker therefore calls for this to be done quickly Reintroduction of video and telephone interpreting for institutional children’s education and care facilities. Also for Childminders The offer should be made available subsequently, said Janker.

That looks too Pia Gsodamspecialist advisor and deputy head of the childcare department at the Vienna Relief Organization said: “In my work as an educational advisor, I repeatedly experience that existing Language barriers a big one in working with parents Challenge for childminders and childminders represent. Childminders and childminders are supported by specialist advice, but you are still on your own in direct contact with parents and in everyday educational life. Being able to rely on a video and telephone interpreting program would be particularly helpful for childminders and childminders in metropolitan areas such as Vienna, where the linguistic diversity is particularly great.”

“Communication between guardians and specialists makes a significant contribution to the development of children and their future educational careers, even at kindergarten age. We must therefore attach great importance to Collaborate with parents as best as possible to shape this important area urgently support with appropriate resources!said Janker in conclusion.

About the aid organization
The Austrian Relief Organization, with its regional and sub-associations, is one of the largest non-profit providers of health, social and family services in Austria. In the elementary education and extracurricular areas, around 2,400 employees currently look after around 19,000 children and young people in more than 500 facilities. | |

Questions & Contact:

Relief organization Austria, federal office
Stomach. Barbara Tober
+43 1 4057500-222, Mobil: +43 676 8787 60207

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