AI has become an integral part of our everyday lives

AI has become an integral part of our everyday lives

The Internet is full of data and algorithms and as a basic technology, artificial intelligence controls countless processes.

Vienna (OTS)

In this conversation between Dominik Panosch, CEO Panosch Media GmbH and media manager Co-editor Dominik Paulnsteiner, it becomes clear that our lives would look completely different without AI. Be it on your smartphone, desktop or tablet. The Internet is full of data and algorithms and as a fundamental technology, artificial intelligence controls countless processes.

But AI has also become an integral part of everyday office life for many companies. Search assistants, purchase recommendations, support with SEO optimization and much more can be handled by numerous future applications.

Other articles in this release:

CRM 2024 – the key to business success

In 2024, customer relationship management (CRM) will remain one of the pillars on which business success is based.

With all the social media madness that more and more SMEs are committing to, maintaining customer relationships remains the number one issue when it comes to ensuring long-term loyalty to a company and customer satisfaction. “In view of the increased competition and the general economic situation, it is recommended that every company deals intensively with CRM,” advises Marcel Petzold, founder and CEO of MP Sales Consulting GmbH, in this conversation with Otto Koller, publisher of MedienManager.

Petzold continues: “It is important for companies to better understand customers’ wishes, to proactively fulfill them and to offer personalized services. CRM systems make it possible to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data collection and analysis that optimize marketing and sales strategies. There is also no way around implementing artificial intelligence. First, companies must integrate AI into existing CRM systems in order to remain competitive. Artificial intelligence is able to analyze large amounts of data in a very short time. Anyone who identifies changing customer needs early on based on these analyzes has an advantage over their competitors. The following applies: The faster a company successfully implements what is probably the most important technology of this decade, the greater the competitive advantage, which has a direct impact on the business indicators.”

Game changer artificial intelligence

In his book “Gamechanger Artificial Intelligence”, Nicolai Schümann addresses the question of how AI opportunities can be harnessed for greater creativity and innovation.

This conversation between Nicolai Schümann and MedienManager co-editor Otto Koller is about the question of how artificial intelligence inspires and unleashes creative potential. Nicolai Schümann is a certified trainer (NCFE, ILM) and guest lecturer at renowned London universities, where he teaches the subjects ‘Storytelling in Business’, Digital Marketing and Innovation. He also leads numerous workshops and seminars for companies such as Barclays Bank, Accenture and Lufthansa. He holds a university diploma in media economics and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from CASS Business School, London.

In his book “Gamechanger Artificial Intelligence”, Nicolai Schümann deals with the question of how AI opportunities can be harnessed for more creativity and innovation and says: “Artificial intelligence is in the process of fundamentally changing our work.” Schümann would like to use his Book helps to reduce fears of contact with new technologies and encourages people to turn digital tools into good partners and assistants in order to increase their own innovative strength and creativity.

Explanatory videos are becoming increasingly important

Especially when it comes to online, the attention span of users is dramatically short.

“Explanatory videos are of great importance for companies that either offer very innovative, novel products or services or whose products require a lot of explanation.” Explained Melanie Amon-Schwarzfounder of melify-explanatory videos in this conversation with Dominik Paulnsteiner, co-publisher of MedienManager.

“So anywhere where long explanations or lectures are required to understand the benefits of offers. Especially when it comes to online, the attention span of users is dramatically short. In general, you have a maximum of 60 to 90 seconds. With a strategically well-structured explainer video, the professional explainer video producer manages to keep the audience engaged for up to two minutes.”

Questions & Contact:

Dominik Paulnsteiner
Co-editor MediaManager
Mobil +43 676 4625239


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