Acupuncture is gaining ground worldwide

Acupuncture Congress on April 20th and 21st in Vienna presents the latest scientific findings

Vienna (OTS) From chronic pain to back problems to stubborn pollen allergies: amazing treatment successes have been achieved with acupuncture for many years. The latest research results demonstrate the importance of the treatment method, which is based on knowledge thousands of years old. Acupuncture has therefore already been included in the medical guidelines of many specialist societies internationally. At the Acupuncture Congress on April 20th and 21st in Vienna, organized by the Austrian Society for Acupuncture, experts from all over the world will present the latest research results.

Acupuncture has been used successfully in many hospitals and ordinations in Austria for years. It has also long been anchored internationally: according to the WHO (World Health Organization), it is used in 113 of 194 WHO member states.

In countries such as Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and the Czech Republic, there are already acupuncture clinics in many public hospitals. In Germany, large-scale studies have resulted in acupuncture being paid for by the public health system for some indications, even for practicing physicians with an acupuncture diploma.

“Acupuncture has already been included in the guidelines of various international specialist societies – this shows its high importance for the guideline-compliant medical care of patients,” emphasizes Dr. Karin Stockert, the Congress President. In England, acupuncture is recommended for the treatment of primarily chronic pain by the NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) guidelines after the strictest review. The American Society of Clinical Oncology has included acupuncture in the guidelines for the treatment of pain with aromatase inhibitors in breast cancer patients, but also for generalized cancer pain. The American College of Physicians recommends acupuncture for chronic low back pain.

International congress

On April 20th and 21st, the ÖGA is organizing a large congress in Vienna on the medical importance and the latest scientific findings surrounding acupuncture, which will also be the anniversary congress to mark the 70th anniversary of the Austrian Society for Acupuncture.

ÖGA President Dr. Daniela Stockenhuber: “Even though acupuncture has been an established treatment method in Austria for years, there is still a further need for outpatient clinics where the costs of the therapy are covered by statutory health insurance. We are committed to ensuring that acupuncture is included in appropriate treatment guidelines in Austria so that all patients have the opportunity to use acupuncture as a medical therapy method that has few side effects and is also sustainable and environmentally friendly. This also implies that doctors need to be trained accordingly.”

With the congress, the ÖGA wants to create a better basis for the use of acupuncture and promote networking between researchers, doctors and decision-makers. The ÖGA demands that the proven evidence of the effectiveness of acupuncture should be incorporated into decision-making processes in the health system in the future.

Particularly effective against pain conditions

According to evidence-based research, acupuncture achieves particularly good results and long-lasting effectiveness in pain conditions such as headaches, migraines, cervical syndrome, low back pain, osteoarthritis, aromatase inhibitor-induced joint pain and chronic pain, but also non-pain indications such as allergic rhinitis or chemotherapy. induced nausea.

Leading international experts will present the latest findings at the congress and be available for professional exchange. Prof. Jun J Mao from the renowned Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York will talk about his experiences with breast cancer patients. John McDonald will present the Acupuncture Evidence Project funded by the Australian Government. A series of practical clinical lectures and workshops gives doctors the opportunity to expand and deepen their knowledge and skills for their patients.

Information and registration under

Acupuncture = State of the Art Acupuncture Evidence Conference

Datum: April 21, 2024, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m

Ort: Orthopädisches Spital Speising, Pavillon Steyl
Speisinger Straße 109, 1130 Vienna, Austria


Acupuncture = State of the Art Acupuncture Evidence Conference

The Austrian Society for Acupuncture is hosting its international congress in Vienna on April 20th and 21st, 2024. It is the anniversary congress to mark 70 years of the Austrian Society for Acupuncture (1954 – 2024).

Datum: April 20, 2024, 8:45 a.m. – 6:00 p.m

Ort: Orthopädisches Spital Speising, Pavillon Steyl
Speisinger Straße 109, 1130 Vienna, Austria


Questions & Contact:

Mag. Christa Danner Tel. 0699 11770217,

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