A big step in disability policy

A big step in disability policy

Austrian Council for the Disabled is anchored in law

Vienna (OTS) The initiative proposal submitted today by the coalition parties ÖVP and GREENS for inclusive projects and to ensure the participation of people with disabilities marks significant progress in Austrian disability policy. The Austrian Council for the Disabled expressly welcomes this groundbreaking initiative and sees it as a number of significant improvements for people with disabilities.

As the umbrella organization of Austrian associations for people with disabilities, we are particularly pleased about the legal anchoring of the Austrian Council for People with Disabilities.“, explains Disabled Persons Council President Klaus Widl. “For the first time since our founding, we are receiving legal clarification of our tasks and guaranteed annual financing.“, says Widl. This guaranteed financing enables the Council for the Disabled to continue its work as an Austria-wide representation of the interests of people with disabilities in the future with full strength and the necessary financial security.

Widl is also satisfied with the long-standing demand of the Austrian Council for the Disabled, which was taken into account in the initiative proposal, to declare the Federal Advisory Council for the Disabled as an advisory body for the entire federal government. The standing commission within the Federal Advisory Council for the Disabled, made up of representatives from disabled people’s organizations, will ensure that the concerns and needs of people with disabilities are continuously incorporated into political decision-making processes.

In addition, an extensive package of measures was put together for people with disabilities. This includes more budget for the Independent Monitoring Committee for the Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, more powers and regional offices for the disability advocate, and administrative simplifications. In addition, the support fund for people with disabilities will be endowed with 50 million euros this year to finance inclusive projects.

We would like to thank the parties and actors involved for this significant support of our long-standing demands. This will sustainably strengthen us as an interest group and enable us to effectively advance our goals in terms of the inclusion and participation of people with disabilities.” Klaus Widl concludes.

Questions & Contact:

Mag. Kerstin Huber-Eibl, Tel. 0660 92 47 236, Email:

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