Care Day May 12, 2024

Care needs for nurses and support staff

Vienna (OTS) Without them, almost nothing works in the healthcare system, even for those who are seriously ill.

Whether in hospitals, homes, mobile care, nursing homes or 24-hour care, in public health and also in the justice system – a welfare state without nursing professions is unrealistic and unimaginable: people from the professional group that is so urgently needed in order to provide our old and sick fellow citizens with appropriate care.

Although the salary situation has improved in some facilities in recent months, a key point of criticism remains: the sprawling structures and poor working conditions at the individual locations make the nursing professions appear less interesting overall than they did years ago.

The working hours of members of the nursing and care professions are hardly compatible with family life and the unsatisfactory child care situation across the board, as well as the hierarchical systems that are still anachronistic for these professions, make matters worse.

What is wrong with it?

Federal employees who work in nursing in particular suffer from the lack of public awareness. Behind lock and key, prisoners are cared for and looked after by nursing and care services. Due to the general conditions, the federal government is finding it difficult to find staff for care and support. These general conditions include the low salary, which is far below the collective agreements of other institutions, a lack of sensible working time models, poor compensation for night shifts, chronic staff shortages, inadequate compensation for dealing with sometimes very dangerous, challenging and mentally ill clientele and a lack of career opportunities. The federal service is not competitive with other providers!

In addition, these jobs are extremely stressful both physically and mentally. The Heavy Work Ordinance is still not adequately reflected in these responsible professions.

Nursing is hard work!

The immense psychological or physical strain of accompanying and caring for people at the end of their lives or with serious illnesses is enormous.
Having to look death in the eye every day and at the same time have empathy for the patients is emotionally hard work!
Nevertheless, many colleagues still pursue this profession with great enthusiasm and commitment.
High empathy for sick people is the central motivation of these remarkable people.

On today’s Care Day, ours are requirements:

  • Inclusion of all nursing professions in the heavy work regulations
  • Adequate pay and financial incentives for overtime and additional tasks
  • Eliminating the requirement for excessive and pointless documentation
  • Establishment of flat structures
  • Professional development at the highest level

A contemporary, modern education is just as important for this as the ongoing appreciation of the work these people do for society!

Questions & Contact:

Christian Husch
Independent trade unionist in the GÖD, federal representative for civilian employees in prisons

Eiko Master
Independent trade unionist in the GÖD, health union

Stefan Schön
Press spokesman for the UGÖD
+43 699 11240984

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