CONFIRMED: The majority of links are at home with prejudice

Interesting US study underlines that the left-wing worldview has nothing to do with tolerance:

Mainstream media wants us to believe more than ever that cosmopolitanism and tolerance are particularly strong among left-leaning people – the opposite is the case, as a US study by Brigham Young University has now confirmed again: According to this, the bias is “Liberals” far higher than “conservatives”: People who are ideologically different are rated negatively by leftists three times as often as the other way around. This result is of course not surprising, because it is precisely the self-proclaimed liberal and cosmopolitan defenders of democracy who are screaming loudest for censorship, bans and punishments. LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman: “The study confirms what everyone suspected: those who scream loudest for more tolerance, democracy and togetherness have the least to do with it.”

The present study involved 679 people from the USA who described themselves as either liberal or conservative. As part of this study, fictitious Facebook profiles with liberal (left-wing) or conservative content such as Trump support/opposition and socialism support/opposition had to be evaluated.

It was to be expected that people with one’s own ideology were generally rated more positively in terms of professional attributes, character traits and job suitability than those with the opposite ideology. What is exciting, however, is the fact that this effect was three times higher for negative ratings of conservative content by liberal users than the other way around. Broken down, that means: Leftists/liberals or those who call themselves that are three times more intolerant of people who think differently than conservatives and/or rightists. For many, this result is not really surprising, because the intolerance on the part of the left-wing society can be felt and experienced every day.

Left-wing groups are the ones that speak loudest for tolerance, cosmopolitanism and “more democracy” in the mainstream media and at demonstrations and also get the most space there for it. Supposed or actual conservatives or “right-wingers” are usually branded in unison as being responsible for everything negative that happens in the world – for example as “climate deniers”, “Putin supporters” or “anti-vaxxers”. “If the mainstream media has its way, conservatives and self-thinkers are brimming with intolerance. Nowadays it is usually enough to describe a family consisting of a man, a woman and children born together as ‘normal’,” says Joachim Aigner.

MFG’s approach: The constant framing, especially towards the right, only serves the big parties and the mainstream to further divide. Joachim Aigner: “For MFG there are only two groups – those “with” and those “without” common sense. I see political forces that want to wage war in Ukraine until the end of the day instead of negotiating as lacking common sense. Or who galloped towards compulsory vaccination with blinders on and, by the way, wanted to put all the critics in prison.”

The same heads from the same (left-wing) organizations or parties can always be seen in TV talk shows and discussions. So-called “dissenters” are not even invited by these “model democrats” – and if they are, the motto there is usually “all against one”. Even in entertainment programs like “Welcome Austria” you mostly just caress yourself. Joachim Aigner: “I can’t remember that a conservative or even right-wing public figure was ever invited to the many hundreds of Stermann and Grissemann programs. The same left-wing actors, artists and personalities appear there all the time – and it’s usually against everything that isn’t left-wing. People prefer to be among themselves there and confirm each other’s left-wing worldview.”

All of this gives many people the impression that the left-woke society is the vast majority. Joachim Aigner: “The opposite is the case. The actual majority of society works hard, takes care of the family and has better things to do in their meager free time than sticking to the streets and demonstrating for 72 genders or arms deliveries to Ukraine. We are there for these people.”

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