Gamechanger Artificial Intelligence |  Media Manager, May 2, 2024

In his book “Gamechanger Artificial Intelligence”, Nicolai Schümann addresses the question of how AI opportunities can be harnessed for greater creativity and innovation.

Vienna (OTS) This conversation between Nicolai Schümann and MedienManager co-editor Otto Koller is about the question of how artificial intelligence inspires and unleashes creative potential. Nicolai Schümann is a certified trainer (NCFE, ILM) and guest lecturer at renowned London universities, where he teaches the subjects ‘Storytelling in Business’, Digital Marketing and Innovation. He also leads numerous workshops and seminars for companies such as Barclays Bank, Accenture and Lufthansa. He holds a university diploma in media economics and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from CASS Business School, London.

In his book “Gamechanger Artificial Intelligence”, Nicolai Schümann deals with the question of how AI opportunities can be harnessed for more creativity and innovation and says: “Artificial intelligence is in the process of fundamentally changing our work.” Schümann would like to use his Book helps to reduce fears of contact with new technologies and encourages people to turn digital tools into good partners and assistants in order to increase their own innovative strength and creativity.

Other articles in this release:

Explanatory videos are becoming increasingly important

Especially when it comes to online, the attention span of users is dramatically short.

“Explanatory videos are of great importance for companies that either offer very innovative, novel products or services or whose products require a lot of explanation.” Explained Melanie Amon-Schwarzfounder of melify-explanatory videos in this conversation with Dominik Paulnsteiner, co-publisher of MedienManager.

“So anywhere where long explanations or lectures are required to understand the benefits of offers. Especially when it comes to online, the attention span of users is dramatically short. In general, you have a maximum of 60 to 90 seconds. With a strategically well-structured explainer video, the professional explainer video producer manages to keep the audience engaged for up to two minutes.”

GDPR meets CRM: Protect customer data, gain trust!

Why data protection has become an essential trust factor in customer relationships

Customer relationship management – also customer relationship management or CRM for short – is inevitably associated with the use and processing of customer data. There are legal framework conditions that every company must observe. Data protection is very important in this country. This has been applicable Europe-wide since mid-2018 General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR – data protection requirements have been comprehensively regulated, not only in the area of ​​CRM.

In conversation explained with Otto Koller, editor of MedienManager Marcel Petzold, Founder & CEO of MP Sales Consulting GmbH why data protection has become an essential trust factor in customer relationships. “Every customer who enters into a business relationship with a company inevitably has to reveal their own data. This is a prerequisite for the business relationship to come into being. “Good data protection is therefore not only a factor that restricts CRM, but also a prerequisite for the success of customer loyalty,” explains Petzold in an interview.

Marketing budgets as a blind spot for many SMEs

Manfred Gansterer in conversation with MM publisher Dominik Paulnsteiner about marketing budgets as a blind spot for many SMEs

It is widespread everyday life in many companies in the DACH region and certainly beyond that slumps in sales are countered with meetings that are often called in panic and the resulting activism. The fact that advertising budgets invested in this way are not even evaluated is another shortcoming due to a lack of strategies. In most cases, the important question of which media channel caused which return cannot subsequently be answered.

Manfred Gansterer was marketing manager at C&A for 10 years and then at Mediamarkt/Saturn for 17 more years. Today he is University lecturer and more independent Online Marketing Strategy Consultant. In a personal conversation with MM co-editor Dominik Paulnsteiner, he shares his experiences about why activism, which is defined by advertising action plans and is located at level seven of a nine-stage marketing strategy, is doomed to failure without taking levels one to six into account expensive gambling must be described.

Questions & Contact:

Otto Koller MBA
Publisher Media Manager
Mobil +43 664 460 11 76

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