Marchfeldspargel PGI calls for uniform standards for sustainable production

Quality assurance as the primary goal for preserving the traditional asparagus culture.

Mannsdorf an der Donau (OTS) The Marchfeldspargel PGI association is actively committed to sustainable production and the preservation of the Austrian tradition of asparagus cultivation. Given the current challenges in the food market, the association warns of the potential risks of importing asparagus from countries such as China, Argentina and Peru.

Sustainable farming methods and minimizing environmental impact

Even if imported asparagus may seem cheaper at first glance, it is often accompanied by significant environmental and labor rights violations. In particular, the use of fertilizers and pesticides in countries such as China has led to severe pollution of agricultural land. In contrast, Marchfeld asparagus PGI relies on sustainable cultivation methods and thus minimizes environmental impact.

The regional asparagus crops are controlled according to the highest standards, while foreign competition often operates in a legal vacuum. “Our traditional cultivation method from the Danube sandy soils of the Vienna area allows us to obtain our asparagus directly on site, without costly transport. This ensures fresh and climate-friendly products that meet the highest quality standards“, emphasizes club chairman Werner Magoschitz.

Uniform regulations within the European Union

In order to maintain the competitiveness of domestic agriculture, the association calls for uniform regulations within the European Union and emphasizes the importance of supporting harvest workers. “Without proper framework conditions for our employees, we cannot guarantee high-quality products. It is important to strengthen domestic production capacities, not weaken them further“, so Magoschitz.

The quality requirements for Marchfeld asparagus PGI go beyond the legal regulations and are ensured through controls and product analyses. The Marchfeld asparagus PGI is characterized by the “FAIR Answer” seal of quality, which ensures transparent traceability along the entire production chain. This commitment to quality assurance extends from sowing to packaging to provide consumers with the highest standards.

What is our future worth to us?

Our pastures, fields and fields are also home to wild plants and animals. And we do a lot to ensure that they feel comfortable thereJosef Harbich, asparagus farmer and club member, is convinced. But in Marchfeld it doesn’t just remain a confession. Diversity in the field brings diversity to the table. Many insects ensure that flowers are pollinated. Others help with pest control. It is only fair that these beneficial insects are supported. They find sufficient food through flowering fields, lush flower strips and wild hedges. Clutter is therefore expressly desired in some corners.

By consciously choosing regional and sustainable products, consumers not only support local agriculture, but also actively contribute to nature and environmental protection“, explains Josef Harbich.

take a FAIR answer

Whether white, green or purple spears – if you want to continue to enjoy tender asparagus from Austria’s fertile soil in the future, you have to show your colors now. Regionality and seasonality are the watchwords of the moment when it comes to the noble vegetables. Anyone who pays attention to the FAIR Response seal of quality from the Marchfeldspargel PGI association when buying asparagus is not only contributing to the preservation of a traditional Austrian industry and fair conditions in agriculture, but is also helping to improve Austria’s climate footprint.

Biodiversity is the buzzword of the moment when it comes to sustainable, climate-friendly and future-proof agriculture. Marchfeld asparagus PGI is a cultural asset that we want to use and protect for future generations“, emphasizes Thomas Mazzucato, farmer and member of the association.

About the club:
Since 1996, the Marchfeldspargel brand has been labeled with the “Protected Geographical Indication” (PGI) seal of quality by the European Union. Marchfeld asparagus PGI is one of the most strictly controlled foods in Europe. Currently, six agricultural businesses form the Marchfeld Asparagus Farmers Association and cultivate the fields in Marchfeld together with more than 500 employees. In 2023, all of them together produced around 1,200 tons of Marchfeld asparagus PGI on a cultivation area of ​​400 hectares in the east of Lower Austria – 52 percent of all Austrian asparagus. With Marchfeldspargel PGI, consumers can rely on the fact that the asparagus farmers in Marchfeld use nature’s resources carefully and sustainably.

Questions & Contact:

Marchfeldspargel PGI Association
Werner Magoschitz, chairman
+43 676 702 41 00


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