KV Chemical Industry – Employer negotiator Stöger: “No light at the end of the tunnel”

Excessive union demands endanger jobs and competitiveness – “Let’s take responsibility together”

Vienna (OTS)Demands from employees that are too short-term must not endanger the future of companies and their employees“, warns Berthold Stöger, employer negotiator in the collective bargaining negotiations in the chemical industry in Austria. The reason is the failure of the third round of negotiations for a new collective agreement today, Tuesday.

This failure is incomprehensible for chief negotiator Stöger from the Austrian Chemical Industry Association (FCIO) in the Austrian Economic Chamber for several reasons:

Firstly, there is the persistently poor order situation in the chemical sector. After a production decline of 10.4 percent last year, incoming orders continue to decline. Austria is the negative leader in Europe when it comes to the rise in (unit) labor costs. The forecasts of economic researchers do not indicate a rapid recovery either. We don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel.The cautious tariff policy in Germany, the largest sales market and most important competitor, also represents an additional challenge.

In addition, employers strive for an appropriate and socially balanced qualification. The employers’ offer is an average increase of +4.1 percent, which corresponds to the current inflation rate. Lower incomes, which are particularly affected by inflation, should be increased more.

The chemical industry is already one of the employers with the best-paying jobs for its approximately 50,000 employees and is one of the front runners when it comes to bonuses. Against this background, Stöger recalls the nature and meaning of social partnership. “Especially in difficult times like these, let us take joint responsibility for securing jobs and Austria as a business location. The future viability of our industry must be important to all of us.

Negotiations will continue on May 6th.

About the FCIO:

The Austrian Chemical Industry Association (FCIO) is the legal representation of the interests of the chemical industry in Austria. The approximately 240 member companies produce pharmaceuticals, plastics and plastic products, fibers, paints, fertilizers and organic and inorganic chemicals in various sectors. The industry’s almost 50,000 employees produced goods worth over 20.8 billion euros in 2022. The FCIO is committed to an economically, ecologically and socially sustainable and attractive chemical location in Austria with a research and technology-friendly environment in which the chemical industry can use its innovative strength to develop and deliver solutions to key social challenges. www.fcio.at

Questions & Contact:

FCIO Association of the Austrian Chemical Industry
Dorothea Pritz
+43(0)5 90 900-3364

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