“Citizen Attorney”: What can be done about driving too fast in Attendorf?

On April 20th at 6 p.m. on ORF 2

Vienna (OTS) Peter Resetarits will present the following contributions in the program “Citizens’ Lawyer” on Saturday, April 20, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. on ORF 2:

Local race track? What can be done about driving too fast in Attendorf?

Neighbors of the L336 near Graz have turned to “citizen advocate”. Quote: “The population here is desperate. There are so many dangerous accidents on this road, there is no sidewalk, no zebra crossing, no traffic lights and no ‘Caution Children’ signs. I ask you from the bottom of my heart to report this case.” Ombudsman Walter Rosenkranz was involved in the matter and understands the concerns of the citizens.

Penalties for no reason?

Ms. B.’s license plates were stolen. Since then, someone has repeatedly been traveling too fast. Although Ms. B. reported the theft, the authorities repeatedly held her responsible and had to pay a fine. In September of the previous year, Ombudsman Walter Rosenkranz called for a general remedy to the grievance through better IT coordination in the Ministry of Climate Protection in “Citizens’ Advocate”. What has happened since then?

Golden valuables? Why weren’t the givers and recipients really happy?

An elderly Lower Austrian bought gold products from two companies for a total of around 15,000 euros for his grandchildren. If you look closely, the supposed gold notes and coins turn out to be thin gold leaf welded into plastic. The 95-year-old feels deceived. The companies point out that they never talk about “increasing value” in advertising. The coins and gold notes are collector’s items that “make the collector’s heart beat faster.” What rights do buyers have to have the transaction reversed?

Dispute over demolition notice: Does a house have to be demolished because it was built a few centimeters too high?

Mr. K. from Klosterneuburg received a demolition notice for his house in June 2023 because it was built 86 cm too high. He argues that the building authority used an incorrect baseline value when submitting the application. In September of the previous year, the matter was discussed in the “Citizen Lawyer” studio. Is the demolition notice still valid?

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