FPÖ – Hafenecker: “Highly nervous ÖVP are hit with full force by their attempted attempts!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Falsehoods and unfounded allegations made by the ÖVP and its unified party wing against the FPÖ were shattered by the truth, and the swamps of the deep black state were uncovered

Vienna (OTS) “The highly nervous ÖVP failed today in its attempt to attack the FPÖ and federal party chairman Herbert Kickl and shift responsibility for its own total failure in the security area, just like the green-red-pink rest of the unified party. The arbitrary summons of Herbert Kickl to the unconstitutional ‘Election Campaign Investigative Committee’ has actually turned out to be a boomerang for the ÖVP that hit it with full force in the head!” said the liberal U-Committee faction leader and General Secretary NAbg. Christian Hafenecker, MA Summary of today’s survey day. The ÖVP’s submission of a manipulated newspaper article in order to create disgusting child pornography associations in the questioning of Herbert Kickl will also have legal consequences: “The submission of fake evidence is scandalous and we will therefore file a criminal complaint against it. The ÖVP is apparently so exhausted in its panic and morally neglected that it has to resort to such dirty methods!”

From the alleged espionage scandal surrounding Egisto Ott, which arose from beginning to end under ÖVP interior ministers since Ernst Strasser, to the FPÖ’s alleged Russian connections, supposedly arbitrary appointments to positions or placing advertisements – all of the untruths and baseless allegations spread by the ÖVP are today ” “like a soap bubble” bursts. “What remains from today is that wherever it says Russia or Marsalek, 98 percent of the time it says ÖVP: Wolfgang Sobotka met Marsalek for dinner in Moscow in 2017, and today’s Federal Police Director and ÖVP intimate Takacs is also said to have met him several times . Last but not least, it was also Marsalek’s Wirecard ‘twin’ and ÖVP donor Braun, who was a member of ÖVP Chancellor Kurz’s think tank and had access to highly sensitive data in the Federal Chancellery without security clearance. In addition to all of this, the main suspect Ott also reached the height of his alleged espionage activity under the ÖVP Interior Ministers Mikl-Leitner and Sobotka, which led to his suspension in November 2017 and about which Herbert Kickl was not even informed when he took office as Interior Minister. And it’s not all over yet, political ‘mega bombs’ are rolling towards the ÖVP!” said Hafenecker.

The ÖVP’s “robber story” was also shattered by the truth, according to which the FPÖ wanted to set up a “new secret service” with Peterlik, the then general secretary in the Foreign Ministry, in which Ott was supposed to play an important role. “This fairy tale was so outrageous from the start that it actually lies beneath the dignity of the ÖVP. Because the general secretary addressed by Hanger and Co. was a founding member of the ‘Christian Democracy in the ÖVP’ initiative, is a member of the CV and son-in-law of a former ÖVP deputy state governor. “It couldn’t be any blacker!” explained Hafenecker.

While all of the ÖVP’s attempts at faffing were exposed as insubstantial, some functional levels of the “deep black state” in the Interior Ministry came to light with favoritism and job-haggling. “On the one hand, a communications framework contract that was advertised three days before the ÖVP-FPÖ government was sworn in on December 15, 2017, in order to serve companies close to the party quickly before the “loss of the ministry” from the ÖVP perspective – Herbert Kickl has this as Interior Minister revoked and thus saved taxpayers 800,000 euros. Furthermore, questionable advertisements from ÖVP Interior Minister Sobotka’s term of office to the medium Kommunalnet, where his son acted as managing director, were brought to light. Herbert Kickl also fended off an intervention by ÖVP LH Mikl-Leitner on behalf of the unqualified Lower Austrian state police director Popp because he carried out his office correctly and declared war on the black post-trading swamp that had grown out there under his ÖVP predecessors,” said the liberal parliamentary group leader.

Herbert Kickl wanted to bring light into the deeply black Ministry of the Interior and apparently got “too close” to the deep state, the cronyism and the black job hagglers operating there: “Because Herbert Kickl is not red and white for the system, but solely for his own people -red politics, the unity party has joined forces against him and the FPÖ. The power of solidarity with one’s own population, which Herbert Kickl lives by, is stronger than the system parties’ pure drive to maintain power. As a liberal people’s chancellor, at the head of a federal government led by the FPÖ, he will also pull the plug on the deep black state and once again ensure a policy that unconditionally puts the interests of Austrians first in all areas!”

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