COP28: Südwind welcomes Austria’s commitment to the Climate Change Adaptation Fund

Südwind: “35 million is an important step. Now fair climate compensation must follow!”

Vienna / Dubai (OTS) Today, Saturday, Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler made 35 million euros available on behalf of Austria for adaptation measures to the climate crisis at the COP28 world climate conference in Dubai. The money supports particularly affected countries in the Global South with early warning systems and adaptations to the effects of the climate crisis.

“We welcome the signal that Climate Protection Minister Gewessler is sending with the grant to finance adaptation measures,” says Südwind delegate Lisa Aigelsperger in an initial reaction from COP28 in Dubai.

In her speech, Federal Minister Gewessler reiterated the responsibility that Austria, as a rich and secure country, has towards the poorest countries. They are already suffering massively from the effects of the climate crisis. “Therefore, fair climate compensation must now follow in the form of a significant initial contribution to the new Loss & Damage Fund for losses and damage caused by the climate catastrophe!” said Südwind spokeswoman Aigelsperger. Südwind calls on the Climate Protection Minister to do this in a current statement Petition on.

“After decades of struggle, it is high time that the fund is finally here, but the preliminary draft text is disappointing: concrete goals and deadlines are missing, the level of financing is far too low and there is no obligation for industrialized countries to actually pay in,” said Aigelsperger. The commitments made so far only amount to around 700 million US dollars, which is just a thousandth of the required funds. This does not even take into account the non-economic losses and damage, such as the loss of human life, living space and cultural heritage. Aigelsperger: “Climate justice will not be achieved this way!”

Between 2000 and 2019 alone, economic damage in the 55 countries hardest hit by the climate crisis amounted to over $525 billion. This has reduced the material wealth of these countries by an average of 20 percent. “It is essential that the size of the fund is sufficient to fully cover both economic and non-economic costs for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of affected communities, as well as to strengthen their resources and capacities for climate resilience,” analyzes climate justice expert Aigelsperger .

Criticism of the EU for inadequate climate financing
Because the EU is also failing in this area, it was awarded the negative “Fossil of the Day” prize today by the international Climate Action Network (CAN). The EU continues to resist including financing for losses and damage in the negotiations on the new climate financing target (NCQG) for the period after 2025.

Exit from fossils as a basic requirement
Finally, Aigelsperger explains: “Only a complete exit from fossil fuels, a real phase out, can combat the necessary causes and prevent even more losses, damage and adjustment costs!”

The South Wind Petition: “Fair compensation for climate damage!”

Questions & Contact:

Vincent Sufiyan, Head of Communications, Tel.: 0650 9677577,

Lisa Aigelsperger, Südwind spokesperson for climate justice in Dubai from December 8th to 14th,

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