Europ Assistance Mobility Barometer 2024: Majority wants to make mobility behavior “greener”.

A third of those surveyed would buy an electric car

Vienna (OTS) The Europ Assistance Group is publishing the mobility barometer for the second time. The independent Ipsos Public Affairs institute conducted an online survey of 8,000 people from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, the Czech Republic and Austria between December 14, 2023 and January 18, 2024 to determine the mobility habits of Europeans investigate.

As a global leader in the field of assistance, we accompany and support people all over the world in their mobility. It is therefore important for us to keep a close eye on the development of mobility behavior. We are observing that more and more people agree: Sustainable mobility is no longer just seen as an option, but as a solution to environmental problems. We are committed to supporting them in this transition and offering solutions that meet their needs, explains Wolfgang Lackner, CEO of Europ Assistance Austria and Chairman of the Board of European Travel Insurance.

We are at a crucial turning point in the transition from a carbon-emitting transport model to one focused on sustainable mobility. Although this change in mentality is not new, it is becoming increasingly evident in everyday practice. We are well prepared for this changeexplains Kevin Radinger, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer of Europ Assistance Austria.

Austria is among the leaders in Europe when it comes to bicycle ownership, but cars are still unchallenged

70 percent of Austrians own at least one bicycle, making them the leaders among the Europeans surveyed after Belgium (72%). 63 percent say they own a standard bicycle, 24 percent an electric bike. The latter has seen the greatest growth: 48 percent of those surveyed say they use it more often than five years ago. In addition to Austria, this trend is particularly pronounced in Germany (49%) and France (51%).

Nevertheless, the car will remain the most important means of transport in Austria in 2023. Mobility habits continue to dominate: 86 percent of Austrians surveyed own their own car and 27 percent of households even have more than one car. And there is no sign of any change there. 71 percent of car owners would not be willing to give up owning a car in the future (compared to 70 percent of Europeans). The difference is even greater among those who strongly reject this idea (“definitely not”): 40 percent in Austria agree with this statement, in Europe only 34 percent.

E-mobility driven by monetary and ecological motives, held back by high acquisition costs and a lack of charging options

People who are thinking about purchasing electric vehicles are younger, more often male and live in urban areas. Overall, at least one in three people is thinking about purchasing an electric or hybrid vehicle. While the motivations for considering electric vehicles are largely sustainable (37% cite environmental reasons), rising gas prices continue to be the biggest factor in switching to electric vehicles (39% would do so to save money on gas).

52 percent see the high purchase costs and lack of charging options at home as obstacles (29%). When asked about assistance services, customers would like more information about the locations of charging stations (65%), specialist workshops (53%) and support in installing home charging stations (52%).

Austrians lead the way in budget spending on mobility

Rising costs are the main reason for changing mobility habits. In a European comparison, Austrians are leaders in monthly spending on mobility (public transport tickets, car sharing, bicycle rental, taxi rides, parking, refueling, etc.). It is worth 192 euros for them, only the Belgians spend even more at 194 euros.

Austria is also a leader when it comes to insurance in the area of ​​micromobility (electric bicycles, scooters, etc.): 50 percent say they are insured when riding bicycles and scooters. This is significantly higher than the European average, which is 36 percent. This upward trend may be due to a growing awareness of the potential risks, leading to more and more users taking up appropriate insurance.

Personal contact preferred in the event of a claim, open to mobility budget

In the event of damage (e.g. flat tire or empty battery), personal contact by telephone is still preferred (87%), followed by communication via WhatsApp (40%) or via web-based self-service (34%). The most important assistance services are towing service and roadside assistance, provision of a replacement car and repairs by preferred specialist workshops. Almost half of those surveyed (46%) would also be interested in a general mobility budget that could be spent on freely selectable mobility solutions (e.g. rental cars, taxis, public transport). As a replacement for a rental car, 184 euros would be a reasonable sum, instead of a taxi 121 euros.

Further study data can be found here:


As part of this year’s Europ Assistance mobility barometer, 1,000 consumers aged 18 and over were surveyed using an online questionnaire in 8 countries, including Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, the Czech Republic and Austria. The survey was conducted between December 14, 2023 and January 18, 2024 and examined respondents’ mobility habits.


The Europ Assistance Group was founded in 1963 and is the inventor of the assistance concept. Following the overarching claim and mission statement of “You live, We Care”, it offers innovative service products in the areas of Travel, Mobility, Home & Family, Health, Senior Care and Cyber ​​in order to provide private and corporate customers with tailor-made solutions in emergencies and in everyday life deliver peace of mind, stress reduction and time savings – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Europ Assistance is a Generali Group company, covers over 200 countries with its services and is one of the leading assistance companies worldwide.

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European Travel Insurance AG
Mag. (FH) Johanna Höllriegl
Press spokesperson
0676 8824 6336

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