75 years of NATO: MFG calls for reaffirmation of neutrality and a world peace summit

NATO birthday party? MFG prefers to celebrate neutrality and peace!

It is time to strengthen the basic idea of ​​the UN – maintaining world peace – and to stop the NATO fighting machine, or better yet: disband it!

LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman

Linz (OTS) On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of NATO on April 4, 2024, the MFG People – Freedom – Fundamental Rights party, which criticizes NATO as an “aggression alliance” that carried out bombings that violate international law, appeals to the Austrian federal government and all political parties, To reaffirm Austria’s neutrality and to hold a world peace summit in Vienna.

On April 4, 1949, in the aftermath of the Second World War, NATO, the “North Atlantic Treaty Organization,” was created as a defense alliance of Western states. For many years, this alliance was the counterpart to the “Warsaw Pact”, the military alliance of the so-called “Eastern Bloc” under the leadership of the USSR, which was founded seven years later.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, there were many voices calling for the dissolution of NATO – but as we know, this didn’t happen! Instead, this organization has expanded to include an additional 17 states. Worse than the enlargement, however, is the fact that the idea of ​​a defense alliance changed into that of an attack alliance in June 1995 with the bombing of Bosnia, which violated international law, and later with the bombing of Serbia in 1999. While this change was carried out for the peoples of the alliance and the entire world with the help of the median apparatus in the name of Western values ​​such as “freedom and democracy” or the “responsibility to protect”, it also took place without legal cover from the UN Security Council .

Renewed aggressions against other countries without validly approved UN Security Council resolutions confirmed this change in NATO and the attitude of NATO states in the following years, for example the illegal bombings of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. “The damage that the UN and also international law has suffered as a result of this action by the Western power alliance is incalculable,” said LABg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman. Given the continuous disregard for international law and the impotence of the UN, one might think that these would now be obsolete – but the opposite is the case: “It is time to strengthen the basic idea of ​​the UN – maintaining world peace – and to stop the NATO fighting machine, or better yet, to disband it!”demands Joachim Aigner.

Of course, Austria’s influence on world events cannot be overestimated – but one can still expect Austrian politicians to respect international law and the UN Charter and to condemn illegal attacks by NATO or NATO states publicly and in a manner that is noticeable to the Austrian people. Joachim Aigner’s further call is: “I call on Austria’s politicians to withdraw Austria from the “Partnership for Peace” (PfP), to cancel its entry into SkyShield and finally to reaffirm and renew Austria’s perpetual neutrality.”

In an appeal on April 4th, 2024, the 75th anniversary of the founding of NATO, the MFG People – Freedom – Fundamental Rights party wants to draw the attention of the Austrian Federal Government and all Austrian political parties to the demand of the citizens of Austria: Let us renew neutrality! And let’s invite the world to Vienna for a world peace summit

  • to stand together against military build-up,
  • to counteract a new Cold War in Europe and
  • to work for peace as a nation.

Questions & Contact:

MFG Austria
(+43 732) 93167 6500

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