TOGETHER AUGE/UG Burgenland – Maria Mauk and Claudia Krojer open the election campaign for the 2024 AK elections |  EYE/UG

Eisenstadt (OTS) In a press conference today, Maria Mauk, top candidate from GEMEINSAM AUGE/UG – Alternative, Independent and Green Trade Unionists, and Claudia Krojer gave an insight into their political priorities and goals for the upcoming Chamber of Labor elections in Burgenland.

Top candidate Maria Mauk is committed to barrier-free workplaces

Maria Mauk, AK Chamber Councilor of AUGE/UG Burgenland, emphasized her committed work for a barrier-free working world and environmentally friendly company structures. “It’s time to break down barriers and create a work environment that works equally for everyone“Mauk explained.”We must ensure that people with disabilities are not disadvantaged by discrimination in the workplace. Inclusion should not just be a nice slogan in funding applications. It has to be lived. Companies must be obliged to provide barrier-free workplaces – they must not be able to buy their way out of them. That’s what I’m committed to!

Her focus on workplace accessibility reflects her extensive experience in the field of disability rights. As a regional advisor for the GRÜNE Burgenland and a former employee of the ÖZIV Burgenland Association for People with Disabilities, Mauk brings a unique perspective to the political arena.

Candidate Claudia Krojer for fair working conditions in systemically relevant professions
Claudia Krojer, second on the list from GEMEINSAM AUGE/UG, also presented her priorities. As an experienced intensive care nurse and committed Green substitute councilor in Eisenstadt, Krojer is committed to sustainable solutions and a green lifestyle. Due to her personal experience in the field of nursing, she is particularly committed to system-relevant professions: “I gave up my job as an intensive care nurse because the pay wasn’t enough, the working hours were excessive and it wasn’t compatible with family life. The stress also became too high and the increase in working hours was enormous. That’s why I would like to work particularly hard for fair working conditions in nursing in the Chamber of Labor. Because clapping alone is not enough! We have to act and finally adapt the conditions in care to today’s times. That means: more staff, higher wages, better and paid training.

In addition, the areas of health, care and social affairs must be considered together. We can only achieve high-quality care if these sectors are well coordinated with one another“, says Claudia Krojer.

Federal spokeswoman Karin Stanger: Women’s work is worth more
AUGE/UG Federal spokeswoman Karin Stanger also came to Eisenstadt: “TOGETHER AUGE/UG Burgenland is well positioned for the AK election with Maria Mauk and Claudia Krojer at the helm. It is also no coincidence that there are two women at the top. Because we say: women’s work is worth more! Because we need a wage policy based on solidarity. We are committed to equal pay, equal work, but also to a massive upgrading of the traditional women’s sectors. Elementary educators, nurses, salespeople, etc. finally have to earn more. She also calls for working hours to be reduced to 30 hours per week with full wage and staff compensation. In this way, unpaid and paid work can be better distributed and thus contributes to gender equality.

GEMEINSAM AUGE/UG positions itself as independent activists with a strong trade union foothold. Since the AK election in 2004, AUGE/UG has been present in all chambers of labor in Austria and has established itself as the fourth strongest force nationwide. The “Rainbow” faction, a platform of alternative, independent, left-wing and green works councils and trade union activists, unites a common vision for a progressive and independent trade union group.

With top candidate Maria Mauk and runner-up Claudia Krojer, strong, independent voices are at the start for fair working conditions, environmentally friendly company structures and living democracy in the workplace. They will keep an eye on the majority faction.

Additional Information:

Photos ©Marita Demattio

Questions & Contact:

Maria Mauk, Claudia Krojer

– +43-1-505 19 52

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