Toyota at LogiMAT 2024

Toyota Material Handling invited people to the “Intralogistics Stadium” as part of LogiMAT in Stuttgart and was pleased with a large influx of visitors.

Vienna, Wr. Neudorf (OTS) As part of this year’s LogiMAT, numerous trade fair visitors took advantage of Toyota Material Handling’s extensive information offering. The world market leader also presented itself for the first time at the One Family stand together with its sister companies Vanderlande and viastore. The group once again underlined its expertise in the field of automation. Summarizing the interest in the products and solutions, it is clear that Toyota is spot on with its strategic decision to create a “one-stop shop” as a complete solution provider for customers.

The trade fair visitors were primarily concerned with questions about the future viability of their business and Toyota Material Handling tried to provide answers as practically as possible with its extensive stand design. In addition to a strong and sustainable product portfolio for transporting, towing, stacking and order picking, the Energy & Product Park also had an extensive automation area. There, an entire warehouse run was simulated in conjunction with a shuttle rack and the latest generation of radio shuttles as well as the associated charging station – ideal for automated use and can be integrated into the rack. An AutoStore® demo grid was also shown. The AutoStore® system is a warehouse automation system that enables customer-oriented logistics with high-performance output in the smallest of spaces and is offered in cooperation with sister company Bastian Solution. Thanks to the recently launched strategic cooperation with Gideon – a Zagreb-based technology company that develops state-of-the-art software solutions for the localization and control of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) – a prototype of a picking device was shown that uses camera-based technology to find its way.

Know today what will move tomorrow

Both the automation area and the innovation camp attracted particularly great interest: “Visitors kept queuing up to be able to take a look behind the scenes at the Innovation Camp. As a pioneer and driver of new technologies, Toyota for the first time publicly provided insights into future-oriented developments and concept studies of autonomous devices that score points through improved human-machine interaction and machine learning.“ explains Magistra Martina Eisler, press spokeswoman for Toyota Material Handling Austria. With regard to digitalization, the next step of the new customer portal was presented. It offers informative fleet overviews based on precise telematics data and thus provides a good basis for decision-making. In practice, this means: The portal supports cost control, monitoring charging cycles and the use of security functions and enables optimized procurement of new, used or rental devices. In keeping with the company’s vision of “Zero Muda” – i.e. no waste – there was also a device prototype on display in the innovation camp, which illustrates an evolutionary use of production materials to increase the recycling rate and therefore leaves the lowest possible CO2 footprint.

Insights into Toyota’s perspectives and activities

With regard to the rapid changes in the logistics industry, numerous new opportunities arise, but also risks, which fuel the ever faster development of basic technologies. In addition, increasing environmental awareness is also affecting the logistics industry. It makes an important contribution to the European economy and is therefore required to develop a sustainable business model. In order to offer customers and interested parties support with these challenging topics, Toyota offered specialist lectures on future prospects and sustainability several times a day in its own coaching zone.

Top speaker Hans Larsson, Director of Strategic Innovation Toyota Material Handling Europe and author of the Toyota trend report, presented the world market leader’s view of the greatest opportunities and risks in the coming years. As part of his presentation, Larsson showed what every logistics player should keep an eye on and also gave insights and practical tips.

How can the transition to a sustainable business model be achieved and how the industry will respond to the growing need for transparency, carbon reduction and circular economy or what requirements and impacts the EU Green Deal brings with it? And the most important question of all: How can sustainability and profit be reconciled? Marc Maureaux, Senior Sustainability Manager Toyota Material Handling Europe, addressed these topic areas during his presentations. He also provided insight into Toyota’s priorities and what solutions it offers for customers and the entire value chain.

Sustainability has always been a key element for Toyota and within the industry, Toyota Material Handling has been a pioneer in sustainability across all business areas for over a decade. Toyota also documents this in practice in its role as logistics partner for the 2024 Olympics. Toyota is an official supporter of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris and uses sustainable products and logistics solutions to ensure that the organizer’s aspirations – a 50% reduction in emissions compared to previous games – to support.

Magister Oskar Zettl, Managing Director Toyota Material Handling Austria: “We are very satisfied with the high level of interest shown by trade fair visitors and see our efforts to be able and willing to offer complete intralogistics solutions for our customers as confirmed. The increasing need on the part of customers to have a contact person for all solution questions is already and will certainly become more and more important due to the high and constantly increasing complexity of the topic.

Questions & Contact:

Mag. Martina Eisler, Press Spokesperson, Toyota Material Handling Austria / Email: Tel.: +43/50 570 128


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