“Hohes Haus” about stimulating the construction industry

On March 24th at 12 p.m. on ORF 2

Vienna (OTS) Rebekka Salzer presents the ORF parliamentary magazine “Hohes Haus” on Sunday, March 24, 2024, at 12 p.m. on ORF 2 with the following topics:

Boosting the construction industry

The National Council has approved the first part of the housing and construction package. The government’s goal is to stimulate the construction industry again. The states will also receive one billion euros to create affordable housing and subsidies for taking out housing loans of up to 500 million euros. Despite sharp criticism from all opposition parties, in the end only the NEOS did not agree to the first part of this package. Only the SPÖ voted against the abolition of land register entry fees up to a property value of two million. Susanne Däubel reports.

The guest in the studio is Nina Tomaselli, housing spokeswoman for the Greens.

Liability after tree damage

Also this week, the National Council passed a new regulation of liability provisions for damage caused by the toppling of trees or the falling of branches. Until now, trees have often been cut down across the board out of fear of possible liability, even if this was not necessary for safety reasons. The tree owners had to prove – analogous to building liability – in cases of damage that they were not at fault. In order to prevent trees from being cut back or felled unnecessarily, the reversal of the burden of proof should now be abolished. A report by Claus Bruckmann.

Transition difficulties

It’s almost that time again: As part of the summer time regulation, the clocks will be set forward one hour again on March 31st. The EU Commission proposed ending the time change six years ago. The EU Parliament then passed the end of the time change with a large majority. But nothing happened. The member states have not yet been able to agree on a concept. Sleep researchers and politicians are critical of its abolition. Claus Bruckmann reports.

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