Family Association: Reading aloud is family quality time |  Austrian Family Association, March 20, 2024

March 21st is reading day – also in parent-child groups throughout Austria

Vienna/St.Pölten (OTS) “Reading together is always a very special moment.” explains Family Association President Abg.z.NR Mag.a Johanna Jachs and emphasizes: “It’s not about the “perfect” reading aloud or that “we can already read such difficult words”. Reading together is about relationship, about experiencing a story together, about filling your personal treasure chests with good memories!

“That’s why, on the occasion of Austrian Reading Day, we called on all our parent-child groups to bring books, read together, and read aloud to the curtain,” explains Jachs.

Around 130 parent-child groups take place every day in family association parent-child centers throughout Austria. And so in the parent-child groups of the Family Association throughout Austria on Thursday, March 21st, people are invited to read aloud and read aloud.

You are neither too young nor too old to read together. Reading together is always a wonderful experience. In the family association “Reading Video” with Erich Schleyer from the series “The Parent-Child Project” on YouTube, this shared experience is pointedly pointed out:

Questions & Contact:

Austrian Family Association
Marietheres van Veen
Press spokesperson
++43 664 3824285

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