Lower Austria Chamber of Labor President and FSG top candidate Markus Wieser starts the election campaign

Humane working conditions, fair incomes, housing that you can afford and real prospects for young people – these are the priorities of AKNÖ President Markus Wieser

St. Pölten (OTS) The Chamber of Labor elections will take place in Lower Austria from April 10th to 23rd, 2024. With a large election event at the VAZ in St. Pölten with almost 1,700 participants, Lower Austria Chamber of Labor President and FSG Lower Austria top candidate Markus Wieser presented his election program today.

It’s about the people

“What is this election about?” asks AKNÖ President Markus Wieser: “It’s about the 600,000 women and men who can elect their workers’ parliament. It’s about their families, their living conditions and their quality of life. Therefore: people first, then work.”

Wieser reports on the experiences he has had during his company visits to almost 300 companies in Lower Austria in recent years: “People have confided in me their concerns. Their worries about the future, whether they will be able to afford their lives, whether their children will get a good education and whether they will be well protected in old age.”

Wieser has fought for this with the faction of Social Democratic Trade Unionists (FSG) in Lower Austria in the past and will continue to do so in the future.

Fair wages, fair working conditions and an affordable life

Every day people do their work, in production, in trade and transport, in services, in administration and in health and nursing care.

“Working people are the real top performers! “You deserve fair wages, fair working conditions and a life you can afford!” demands Wieser.

Government must get inflation under control

“It can’t be the case that people have to think about whether to turn on the heating in winter because the prices for electricity and gas are still incredibly high!” explains Lower Austrian Chamber of Labor President Markus Wieser.

Wieser calls on the government to finally act: “Other countries are managing to get inflation under control. We only talk and don’t act. There is no effective price cap – neither for food nor for energy and housing costs.”

One thing is clear, says Wieser: “Employees will not pay for the failure of a government that doesn’t do its homework!”

Urgently improve conditions in the health and care sector

After decades of work, you have a right to good care, says Lower Austrian Chamber of Labor President Markus Wieser in his speech at the election event at the VAZ in St. Pölten: “The problems in care are getting bigger and bigger, those responsible in the state and federal government are doing little or nothing . We have to support our colleagues in the health and nursing sector and ensure the best possible conditions!”

If you need skilled workers, you also have to train them!

There is a shortage of skilled workers in almost all sectors today, says AKNÖ President Wieser: “We have to actively get young people interested in apprenticeships. There are a few companies, especially in Lower Austria, where you can learn a lesson. Many young people only know a few apprenticeships. That’s why we need career guidance in all types of schools from the fifth grade onwards.”

Muchitsch: Fairness in the workplace is only possible with a strong chamber of workers

The federal chairman of the FSG and chairman of the Bau Holz trade union, Josef Muchitsch, supports Lower Austrian Chamber of Labor President Markus Wieser in the election campaign.

Muchitsch warns against wanting to weaken the chambers of workers: “The attacks on our chambers of workers are aimed solely at weakening the voice of the employees. We will not allow that and we are determined to fight against these attacks. In times of rapidly changing working environments and increasing pressure on employees, we are faced with ever greater challenges. Fairness in the workplace is only possible through strong employee interest groups. As unions and chambers of labor, we will continue to fight side by side for the rights and interests of employees!”

Pfister: Only FSG NÖ guarantees representation of employee interests

FSG Lower Austria chairman René Pfister only sees top candidate AKNÖ President Markus Wieser as a guarantee that employee interests are represented and implemented.

“The FSG NÖ is the only faction in the Lower Austrian Chamber of Labor where the focus is first on people and then on work. Only a strong FSG NÖ can continue on this good path of the AK NÖ to support the employees.”

Some parliamentary groups, Pfister continued, would only talk about the importance of workers: “But when it comes to support and concrete help, they are submissive to their parties and have nothing left for workers’ interests. Then the companies and corporations are more important to them!”

Pfister appeals: “It is important for every employee in Lower Austria to cast their vote for a strong employee interest representation from April 10th to 23rd and thus to elect the FSG Lower Austria with its President Markus Wieser!”

Photos from the FSG NÖ election event (can be used free of charge)

Photos copyright Georges Schneider

Questions & Contact:

Linda Keizer
FSG Lower Austria regional manager
Tel: +43 2742/267 67
E-Mail: fsgnoe@oegb.at

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