Successful 2nd Forum for Professional Participation of Women with Disabilities |  Umbrella organization for professional integration Austria

200 participants followed the call: New paths – daring to do new things – overcoming barriers together

On March 7, 2024, joining-austria, in cooperation with the FEM Süd Frauenassistenz, organized the 2nd forum “Professional Participation of Women with Disabilities”. The event was supported by the Opportunities Benefit Office at the ÖGB.

Under the motto “New paths – dare to try new things – overcome barriers together” 200 interested parties from different areas met to discuss the professional participation of women with disabilities and to find solutions.

Situation has not improved so far

Christina SchneyderManaging Director of there-austria, expressed concern in her opening statement that despite numerous efforts, the situation for women with disabilities on the labor market has hardly improved in recent years. She emphasized the need for appropriate professional inclusion tools tailored to the individual needs of women with disabilities.

“We have to offer individual support for women with disabilities because the labor market is so diverse and there is a lack of appropriate inclusion instruments,” emphasized Christina Schneyder from joining-austria. “Despite previous discussions and demands, inclusive working time models and wage compensation payments have not yet been implemented.”

Future inclusive(s)

The top-class panel offered a variety of perspectives and solutions. Among others, representatives from the AMS, the Austrian Health Insurance Fund, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the EU Parliament and the Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection were present.

Daniela Rammel, Vice Chair of the Independent Monitoring Committee for the Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, highlighted the difficult access to the labor market for women with disabilities due to multiple discrimination. This leads, among other things, to an increased risk of poverty.

Sarah Galehr from the AMS highlighted that women with mental health problems often need gradual integration into the labor market and emphasized the importance of support measures.

Sabine Knopf from the Ministry of Social Affairs emphasized the importance of holistic advice and support in order to highlight the individual strengths of women with disabilities and to make it easier for them to enter the labor market.

Federal Minister Johannes Rauch made it clear that Austria is still a long way from equality and that a change of perspective and investments in the health system are essential.

“Women are disadvantaged in many areas of our society. Women with disabilities are particularly affected. With a wide range of support offers, we work to strengthen the professional participation of people with disabilities – regardless of gender.”, emphasizes Social Minister Johannes Rauch. “We will further develop these offers specifically for women with disabilities. In the fall we will be running a campaign to show companies what potential these strong women represent for them.”

Andreas Husschairman of the Austrian Health Insurance Fund, addressed the problem of interfaces between different assessment bodies and advocated greater consideration of the individual strengths and weaknesses of people with disabilities.

Hilde WolfVice President of the Professional Association of Austrian Psychologists, emphasized the importance of successful projects and their transformation into nationwide programs as well as the avoidance of multiple discrimination.

Katrin LangensiepenMember of the EU Parliament, emphasized the need for political courage and financial support for inclusive projects and measures. “Inclusion is not a fixed state of matter, it is an ongoing process and is never finished. We all need to be aware of that.”

Be bold and loud

Participants were encouraged to take the results and ideas of the forum beyond its borders and to fight together for real changes to improve the professional participation of women with disabilities.

One day is not enough

With the 2nd Forum “Professional Participation of Women with Disabilities”. there-austria an important step towards an inclusive working world. Because it is not enough to report on the barriers and obstacles in the media one day a year – women and especially women with disabilities must be treated and supported equally 365 days a year.

Questions & Contact:

Michael T. Landschau
Public relations, in-Austria

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