FPÖ – Steger: Most incompetent EU Commission President of all time wants to continue the path of failure |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

ÖVP as a system party continues to be on the side of the failed EU system

Vienna (OTS) The European People’s Party (EPP) presented the incumbent EU Commission President von der Leyen as its top candidate for the upcoming EU elections in Bucharest today. FPÖ European spokesperson and EU candidate NAbg. Petra Steger sees this as a catastrophic continuation of the EU’s course of recent years: “A further massive reduction in our hard-earned prosperity under the guise of supposed Ukraine solidarity is inevitable with a new edition of the von der Leyen Commission. This also means that new sanctions against Russia are getting closer and the urgently needed peace initiatives are becoming a long way off. Instead of an EU as a peace project, we are already experiencing a development towards a war-hungry military union, which will accelerate at a dizzying pace with von der Leyen as Commission President again.”

“But the structural restructuring of the Union towards a ‘United Bankrupt States of Europe’ will continue as in the past. In addition to the completely insane expansion utopias, it is also not surprising that the abolition of the unanimity principle is one of the central points of the adopted EPP manifesto. This will undermine national sovereignty and shift more power to Brussels,” feared Steger.

“Von der Leyen has promoted centralization in Brussels at the expense of the sovereignty of the member states like no EU Commission president before her and has used all the crises of the past few years to pacify Brussels’ thirst for power by increasing its powers. “Under the policies of the EU Commission chief von der Leyen, Europe is declining further and further every year,” criticized Steger and continued: “Another term for von der Leyen would continue the course of failure, corruption and cronyism. It is to be feared that an Austrian federal government with ÖVP participation would continue to support this line.”

“The countless adulations of ÖVP Chancellor and ÖVP Constitutional Minister Edtstadler in the direction of von der Leyen show once again the duplicity of this party, which signals toughness towards the EU to the people of Austria, but then uncritically adopts the centralist course in Brussels and thus Austrian competencies to Brussels,” said FPÖ European spokeswoman and candidate for the EU election NAbg. Petra Steger on Ursula von der Leyen’s election as the EPP’s top candidate.

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