FPÖ – Schnedlitz: With Babler, only a ruin remains of the SPÖ |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Vienna (OTS) “In his aloof ‘noble Marxist’ bubble, SPÖ leader Babler has lost touch with his own party as well as with the reality of Austrian life. And as soon as he emerges from the media obscurity, he puts a muzzle on his Tyrolean party colleague – you could also say he ‘muzzles’ him. When it comes to asylum and illegal immigration, Babler obviously wants to apply his ‘Traiskirchner model’ to the entire country. One can only say: Austria must not become Traiskirchen! The population, including many Social Democrats, certainly see it exactly the same way,” emphasized FPÖ General Secretary NAbg today. Michael Schnedlitz in connection with a “Kurier” interview with the SPÖ party leader.

“And in case the mayor of Traiskirchn didn’t notice: In Lower Austria, Carinthia and other federal states there are quite sensible social democratic forces who don’t want the SPÖ to give the ÖVP a free pass into a government and who have more trust in Herbert Kickl than in Put Andreas Babler. With the Babler course, if you can even call it a ‘course’, the SPÖ will only be left in ruins. And Babler continues to run the wrecking ball every day,” emphasized Schnedlitz.

“Most of the time, however, you ask yourself: Does Babler seriously still exist as chairman of the SPÖ – and if so, which SPÖ? In any case, as SPÖ boss, he should primarily apply the reduction in working hours he has demanded – it feels drastically reduced to a maximum of eight hours, which means that he will be finished with his political work on Monday,” said Schnedlitz.

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