SPÖ-Sartenheim to Edtstadler in ORF “press hour”: “A strong and solidarity-based Europe only exists with the SPÖ”

Edtstadler’s attempts to distance himself from Kickl are “unbelievable” for the SPÖ federal manager – sharp criticism of the ÖVP blockade by the independent federal prosecutor

Vienna (OTS/SK) Today, Sunday, SPÖ federal managing director Klaus Seltenheim responded with criticism of ÖVP Minister Edtstadler’s statements in the ORF “press hour”. “Edtstadler’s attempts to distance himself from FPÖ chairman Kickl are just as unbelievable as their pro-European tones. The fact that the ÖVP minister does not explicitly rule out a coalition with the FPÖ shows once again that the ÖVP is ready to govern with the Blues again and thus cause great damage to the country and the common Europe,” said Seltenheim, who said remembers that Edtstadler was State Secretary in the Kickl-led Interior Ministry during the ill-fated black-blue coalition. At the European level, the ÖVP and its group in the European Parliament (EPP) are also open to cooperation with the extreme right. “The ÖVP is blocking important measures in the European Parliament in the areas of climate protection and the protection of the rule of law. It’s no wonder that Christian Socialists like Othmar Karas no longer have a home in the ÖVP,” said Seltenheim, who makes an offer to all Christian Social citizens to walk part of the way with social democracy. “If we work together for a social and democratic Europe, we will make the European Union better and fairer. A strong and solidarity-based Europe can only be achieved with the SPÖ!” said Seltenheim to the SPÖ press service. ****

Seltenheim also finds clear words about the ÖVP blockade in the matter of the federal prosecutor. “The SPÖ has been campaigning for an independent federal prosecutor in Austria for decades. The ÖVP has been blocking this important judicial reform for just as long. The black-green government dispute, which has been taking place in the open for months, is damaging democracy and the reputation of the judiciary,” said Seltenheim, who emphasized that the public prosecutor’s office needs an independent head of command so that the appearance of political influence cannot arise. (Conclusion) ls

Questions & Contact:

SPÖ federal organization, press service, Löwelstraße 18, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01/53427-275

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