SPÖ-Babler: “Together with our top candidate Nicolas Schmit, we will make Europe more social and fair!”

Schieder: “We will keep Europe’s promise of peace, democracy and prosperity” – Regner: “The EU election is the directional decision for a united and fair Europe”

Vienna (OTS/SK) The EU Commissioner for Employment and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit was named the EU’s top candidate for the upcoming European elections in June at the Congress of European Social Democrats (PES) in Rome today, Saturday, with the support of the SPÖ. “Together we will strengthen European democracy and the rights of workers, prevent the impending shift to the right and the division of Europe and make Europe more social and fair,” says SPÖ party leader Andreas Babler, who emphasizes that Schmit is an ardent European and champion of social justice is an excellent leading candidate to tackle the major challenges facing Europe. “Together with Nicolas Schmit and our friends from European social democracy, we are fighting for a social and democratic Europe. We stand on the side of the people, not the large international corporations. Only a strong social democracy can guarantee an open and democratic society in which solidarity, equal opportunities, gender equality and the protection of our climate have the highest priority,” Babler told the SPÖ press service. ****

Andreas Schieder, SPÖ-EU delegation leader and SPÖ top candidate for the 2024 EU elections, says: “We have the right program and the right candidate to move the EU forward. Today Nicolas Schmit presented a comprehensive agenda for an affordable life, for a strong democracy and an EU capable of acting. As the social engine of the EU Commission, he has been proving for years that he can do it. And the European comparison makes it clear that where social democrats are in power, people are better off. The Social Democratic heads of government, including Olaf Scholz and Pedro Sánchez, made this more than clear in their speeches today. Social democracy is stepping up to fulfill Europe’s promises of peace, freedom, democracy and prosperity.”

SPÖ EU MP Evelyn Regner, Vice President of the EU Parliament, added: “We are starting this election campaign with full momentum from Rome. Nicolas Schmit is the guarantor of his social Europe, in which we shape digitalization and climate change in such a way that no one is left behind. As social commissioner, he achieved a salary increase for millions of people with the EU minimum wage directive and with him the concerns of trade unions, women, civil society and employees will have a strong voice in the election debate. The EU election is the directional decision between division or solidarity. Social democracy is stepping up to meet the challenges of the future in a united and fair Europe.” (Conclusion) ls/bj

Questions & Contact:

SPÖ federal organization, press service, Löwelstraße 18, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01/53427-275

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