FPÖ – Haider on the renaturation law: “EU is waging a campaign of destruction against its own farmers!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Law to restore nature threatens European agricultural production

Vienna (OTS) “The EU is currently waging a campaign of extermination against its own farmers,” commented the liberal European Parliamentarian Roman Haider on the Nature Restoration Law, which is currently being voted on in the plenary session of the EU Parliament. “But behind this nice title lies a serious attack on our farmers. With its Green Deal, of which the Renaturation Act is part, the EU is increasingly becoming a serious threat to European agricultural production,” noted Haider.

The goals set for the restoration measures are completely unrealistic and would not only massively damage the competitiveness of European farmers, especially small-scale Austrian farms, but would also endanger security of supply in Europe as a whole. In addition, there would be enormous interference in the farmers’ property rights. “This law is in no way compatible with the principle of subsidiarity because of the strict management requirements for the nation states. A uniform law for the completely different natural areas and forms of management in the EU contradicts common sense,” criticized Haider.

This is also shown by the unanimous rejection of the law by the Austrian federal states. “Once again, the out-of-touch climate ideologists in Brussels simply want to ignore the member states,” Haider said angrily. Overall, the EU wants to continue to expand its competencies at all costs, similar to the compulsory obligation of all states to engage in genetic engineering. “It is a blessing that EU elections are coming up and this Commission will have to step down very soon. Hopefully, with it, the unfortunate and disastrous Green Deal will also disappear into the dung heap of history,” said Haider.

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