ORF mourns the death of director Volker Grohskopf

General Director Weißmann: “ORF loses an outstanding program maker”

Vienna (OTS) The ORF mourns Volker Grohskopf, who died on February 20, 2024 at the age of 58. The director, who has been working for the ORF since 1989 and was at home in film and television as well as in the theater, has filmed numerous TV entertainment and cultural programs, including the broadcasts of the “Villacher Carnival” since 2003 as well as stage productions the Vienna State Opera or from the Roman quarry in St. Margarethen. Grohskopf worked for programs such as “Licht ins Dunkel” or “Vera” and designed a variety of documentaries, including on current domestic cultural productions or for the “Eurovision Song Contest”.

ORF General Director Mag. Roland Weißmann: “Volker Grohskopf was a member of the large ORF family for 35 years and gave his personal signature to countless TV productions. He was just as at home in entertainment as he was in high culture and understood and appreciated both genres equally and brought this appreciation to the screen. With his death, ORF has lost an outstanding program maker. Our sincerest condolences go out to his family and friends.”

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