Ganymede inventor Jacqueline Kornmüller & world-famous illustrator Kat Menschik publish novella |  CLOUDYLESS

The Vienna book premiere will take place on February 20, 2024 at 7 p.m. in the Odeon Theater

Vienna (OTS) Jacqueline Kornmüller, director & inventor of the literary/performance event series Ganymed (in cooperation with the KHM Vienna), will publish her first book “Leaving the House” on February 8, 2024. It appears in the series of favorite books by the world-famous illustrator Kat Menschik at Galiani Verlag Berlin.

Kornmüller has created an atmospheric novella in which everything revolves around an old, beloved stone house that the protagonist wants to give up. After a newspaper advertisement, very stubborn people come forward to take a look. They come in pairs or individually and create their new lives within these four walls during the appointment. Suddenly, during these viewings, the owner begins to talk very humorously about the real estate tourists and tries to dissuade her from her plans.

Vienna book premiere on February 20, 2024 at the Odeon Theater

Dare to do a thought experiment with Jacqueline Kornmüller & Kat Menschik at the Vienna book premiere on February 20th at 7 p.m. in the Odeon Theater: Give up your usual life and watch as others settle in your home and dream of a new life . And then hear what your house has to say about it, how it comments on the ambitions of others and ultimately hopes you would stay.

Asked privately: Would the artists give up their own homes?

Jacqueline Kornmüller & illustrator Kat Menschik worked together on this book project, but each sitting in their own house. The two women give completely contradictory answers as to where home is for them and whether it is tied to a place. “For me, home is definitely not tied to one place. Although I love my home, I wouldn’t be uprooted if I had to give up my house”says Jacqueline Kornmüller, who has moved frequently in her life and sees her home in the important people in her life. Kat Menschik feels completely differently here: “My home is my most important place to me, my nest that I don’t want to give up and I certainly don’t want to imagine that strangers come to see my house and dream up their new lives here.”

The author

Jacqueline Kornmüller is a director and lives in Vienna, where she initiated the award-winning Ganymede series at the Kunsthistorisches Museum together with Peter Wolf. Most recently she staged “The Uncanny Library” by Haruki Murakami at the Odeon Theater in Vienna, bringing Kat Menschik’s illustrations to the stage. She is currently preparing a production of “Das Große Heft” by Ágota Kristóf for the Odeon Theater in April 2024.

The illustrator

Kat Menschik is a very sought-after freelance illustrator who has worked for SZ, Spiegel, Stern, Brigitte & 3sat, among others, and has been drawing regularly for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung since 2001. Her Favorite Books series from Galiani Verlag Berlin is considered one of the most beautiful book series in the world. Numerous books she has designed have won awards.

Tickets for the book premiere on February 20, 2024 at 7 p.m
Theater Odeon
Price €7 (advance ticket/evening ticket)

Questions & Contact:

Elisabeth Katzensteiner
WOLKENLOS – agency for radiant communication
Tel: +43 664 128 3063

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