Federal government presents agreement on animal protection amendment: A long-awaited compromise that leaves a lot to be desired

Petrovic: “Positive approaches can be seen, but decisive measures are missing.”

Vienna (OTS) On December 15, 2021, the National Council passed a resolution on animal protection with the votes of the ÖVP, Greens, FPÖ and NEOS. It listed specific points that are to be implemented in amendments to the Animal Welfare Act and the regulations based on it. While the amendments regarding agricultural animal husbandry were already passed in July 2022, the points to improve the protection of pets and privately kept wild animals have not yet been implemented, despite repeated and loud protests from many animal protection organizations.

“We almost no longer expected the animal protection package to be implemented,” says Tierschutz Austria President MMag.a Dr. Madeleine Petrovic, reacting in surprise to the federal government’s agreement announced today. “A tightening of the ban on cruel breeding, a mandatory certificate of expertise for keeping dogs and exotic animals as well as stricter rules for biting and attack training with dogs are the right steps that have been long overdue. According to the information we have so far, there is no mandatory registration and microchipping of cats or a real permit requirement for the breeding of animals. In the long term, we are also in favor of a complete ban on bite and attack training for dogs, with the exception of public services,” says the animal rights activist about the measures presented. “We are now waiting for the final draft, which we will analyze in detail and then provide a detailed statement as part of the review process so that the legislative package can hopefully be improved,” said Petrovic.

“Private associations and animal shelters carry out the majority of animal protection work. We care for unwanted, tortured and exploited animals. The politics of the laborious minimum consensus can only be overcome if legislation and enforcement make greater use of the know-how and expertise of animal rights activists and seek dialogue,” the animal rights activist makes an appeal to politicians.

Questions & Contact:

Animal Protection Austria
Jonas von Einem
Head of Communications
+43 699 16604075
Jonas.from one@tierschutz-austria.at

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