Albania: Two illegally kept bear cubs disappeared without a trace before being rescued

FOUR PAWS: Wildlife trade completely out of control / International network suspects

Despite assurances from relevant authorities to prioritize a solution for the bear cubs, it is simply too late for rescue. The responsibility for this sad incident clearly lies with the ministry. It is the duty of the Albanian state to protect native bears and wild animals. The recent incident of the missing bear cubs and similar cases show that more active action is necessary in Albania. In addition to animal welfare concerns, such conditions also pose risks to local communities who are unaware that illegally kept, dangerous animals live in their neighborhoods. Working with the authorities, we must prevent more bears and wild animals from falling victim to illegal and cruel keeping

Barbara van Genne, Director of the Wildlife Department at FOUR PAWS

Vienna (OTS) Two bear cubs that were illegally kept at a hotel restaurant in the Albanian Tomorr National Park disappeared without a trace shortly before they were rescued by FOUR PAWS. The animal protection organization had previously offered the authorities to take over the animals and take them to one of their bear protection centers. However, the Albanian Ministry of Tourism and Environment hesitated to confiscate them, and eventually the bear cubs mysteriously disappeared; their fate and whereabouts remain uncertain. Taking bears from the wild and keeping them in captivity is illegal in Albania.

FOUR PAWS has discovered alarming evidence of animal cruelty in Albania related to wildlife trafficking since 2023. More than 27 documented cases demonstrate the exploitation of big cats, especially lion cubs, and other wild animals for the trade as pets or as selfie attractions. They are offered on internet platforms and social media, misused in music videos and for entertainment in restaurants and hotels. This out-of-control situation raises concerns that private individuals in Albania are breeding and trading big cats on a large scale – and without a license. FOUR PAWS calls on the relevant authorities to intervene more forcefully and actively and to improve existing laws, including the final ban on the private keeping of big cats and bears.

Despite assurances from relevant authorities to prioritize a solution for the bear cubs, it is simply too late for rescue. The responsibility for this sad incident clearly lies with the ministry. It is the duty of the Albanian state to protect native bears and wild animals. The recent incident of the missing bear cubs and similar cases show that more active action is necessary in Albania. In addition to animal welfare concerns, such conditions also pose risks to local communities who are unaware that illegally kept, dangerous animals live in their neighborhoods. Working with the authorities, we must prevent more bears and wild animals from falling victim to illegal and cruel keepingsays Barbara van Genne, Director of the Wildlife Department at FOUR PAWS.

Sustainable solutions are necessary to stop the exploitation of wildlife

In recent years, FOUR PAWS has observed that keeping illegally traded and bred big cats is becoming increasingly popular in southeastern Europe. The high number of big cats in private captivity in Albania is extremely worrying. FOUR PAWS estimates that 60 to 80 big cats are currently being kept illegally in Albania – a shockingly high number when compared to Albania’s population size. Most cases of exploitation, illegal private ownership and mistreatment of wildlife are discovered on social media, making them difficult to track. According to information, not only have the two bear cubs from Tomorr National Park disappeared without a trace, but there is also a lack of information about the fate of many big cats. FOUR PAWS suspects an international network for legal and illegal trade in Albania with connections to other countries, especially Serbia. FOUR PAWS shared all cases and concerns with the responsible Albanian ministry several times and received hardly any response.

Based on its own research and information available at the time, FOUR PAWS freed the last “restaurant bear” in Albania at the end of 2022 and brought it to the Arbesbach bear forest. “Bear Mark’s rescue was a major milestone for animal protection in Albania, but the recent disappearance of the bear cubs shows that there is still much to do. The importance of the historic rescue mission can only be maintained if the authorities pay more attention to improving animal welfare regulations and better protecting wild animals,” says van Genne.

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Copyright: Four Paws

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