eKKon 2024: Green energy sources can boost the energy transition and make an important contribution to global value creation

eFuels offer extensive decarbonization potential and the opportunity to drive economic progress in developing countries with good production conditions

Vienna (OTS) CO2 has no passport, so climate change must be thought of globally. eFuels offer extensive decarbonization potential and the opportunity to drive economic progress in developing countries with good production conditions

As part of the 2nd international eKKon conference in Vienna, renowned representatives from science, business and politics will discuss how a climate-neutral energy system can work in practice. Already on the opening day there was a clear commitment to openness to technology, scientific research, investment-friendly conditions and global energy partnerships. Finance Minister Magnus Brunner stated in his opening speech: “Climate protection is one of the central tasks of our generation. Our goals are ambitious: 100% renewable electricity in and from Austria by 2030 and climate neutrality in Austria by 2040 – ten years ahead of the EU. To achieve these climate goals, we need investment, innovation and collaboration. In any case, we must not concentrate on a few technologies, but must remain open to technology. We therefore also need innovative solutions and all environmentally friendly technologies for mobility. E-fuels will also play an important role here.

Europe must build up expertise in “green” combustion engines

Karlheinz Kopf, Secretary General of the Austrian Economic Chamber, is committed to climate protection, but also sees the transformation task as explosive: “Given the enormous challenges in decarbonization in the transport sector, we will need all new, non-fossil energy sources that are currently available or in various stages of development in order to be able to achieve the ambitious climate policy goals. In competition with other regions of the world that are far less ambitious in terms of climate policy, Europe cannot afford to miss its targets through over-regulation and hasty technology determinations and at the same time endanger the affordability of energy supply. This not only endangers our competitiveness and prosperity, but also social peace. We must therefore approach the transformation with the greatest possible openness to technology and ensure that climate-neutral alternatives such as eFuels are available in a timely manner. Europe must therefore quickly build up its expertise in “green” combustion engines.

eFuels enable economic progress for developing countries

Gunther Beger, Managing Director of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), also highlighted synthetic fuels as a source of hope for climate change in his keynote speech: “eFuels can become an important building block in achieving our climate and development goals. In addition to their extensive decarbonization potential, they offer the opportunity to drive economic progress in developing countries with good production conditions – a possible win-win situation. In order to ensure the sustainability of eFuels, the outsourcing of emissions from the global north to the south must be prevented.

The experts present also agreed that politics in Europe must finally create investment-friendly framework conditions and practice-oriented standards. Kate Kalutkiewicz, head of the McLarty Associates trade practice in Washington, showed how this works in a best practice example: The USA is directing billions in investments into climate-neutral energy projects through the Inflation Reduction Act.

We must use all technologies to achieve global climate change

Jürgen Roth, CEO of the eFuel Alliance and organizer of eKKon, is also committed to comprehensive technology neutrality: “We have to move away from bans that weaken Europe. Emissions are rising worldwide, only in Europe are they falling. The reasons for this are the high energy prices, but also that production is increasingly being relocated abroad. But CO2 has no passport, so we have to think about the climate change globally. If we see that China and Japan, but also other countries, have already abandoned an electric-only strategy, we should not stick to it. We must use all technologies to achieve global climate change. Politics should limit itself to setting the goals and then give the economy the chance to find the best possible solution.

Stephan Schwarzer, Secretary General of the eFuel Alliance and responsible for organizing the conference: “eFuels are a win-win situation for everyone: the global north achieves a reduction in CO2 emissions and a diversification of energy sources. At the same time, the global south has a unique opportunity for green growth. It is now up to politicians to finally work on a holistic climate strategy that also strengthens Europe as a business location.

Questions & Contact:

eFuel Alliance Austria
Dr. Stephan Schwarzer | Managing Director
+43 664 381 88 26 | s.schwarzer@efuel-alliance.at

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