FPÖ – Kaniak: “Green Minister Rauch is letting those affected by hepatitis C down!”  |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Written request to Rauch confirms: “People save money, advertisements waste money” – mystery surrounding the disappearance of 881,000 euros

Vienna (OTS) “If you find out first-hand about the years-long struggle of those affected for fair support, you quickly get the impression that this is a social scandal of a special kind. How these affected people are treated is absolutely unacceptable,” said FPÖ health spokesman NAbg. Gerhard Kaniak summarized Minister Rauch’s response to his written question on the subject of the HCV fund, i.e. the support fund for people infected with hepatitis C.

“The Green Minister is covering an approach with a non-transparent service concept that is letting down many affected people who were infected through no fault of their own. He is constantly cleaning himself up at the HCV fund, whose five-member board also consists of two members of the ministry. This service concept must not be hidden, but must be publicly visible,” demanded Kaniak. “There can be no question of the performance concept having proven itself, as Rauch stated in his response to the query.”

“For example, since 2016, a total of 106 affected people have had their benefits reduced or even canceled by the HCV fund, even though the restrictions for the people remained the same. Because ‘virus-free’ does not mean ‘healthy’. Only 32 affected people are currently receiving ongoing compensation payments,” continued Kaniak. “The Health Minister’s admission that he doesn’t know how many affected people there are in Austria at the moment also fits in with this.”

Kaniak also found a contradiction in another area: “According to Rauch, the HCV fund would use the AUVA’s assessment with regard to the reduction in earning capacity (MdE) for those affected – but does not follow this assessment. Because while the AUVA pays out a pension from 20 percent MdE, the fund only supports from 60 percent MdE. This restriction is incomprehensible!”

Where are the missing 881,000 euros? According to the query response, the HCV fund collected a total of 1,000,000 euros in surplus from 2019 to 2022 (page 8 of the query response), but the fund currently only has assets of 118,600 euros (page 9). “The question naturally arises: where did the money disappear and why didn’t it end up with those affected?” said Kaniak, who announced further research.

Gerald O. from Linz, a spokesman for those affected, is contrite: “I have been fighting together with colleagues for years to achieve a dignified solution for those affected. Unfortunately, it’s a battle against windmills. Every spot is cleaned. A fair solution would cost approximately 220,000 euros per year. This compares, for example, with 4.4 million euros for advertisements that the Ministry of Health spent in 2022. I am bitterly disappointed!”

Link to query response:


Hepatitis C – History of those affected: At the end of the 1970s and 1980s, hundreds of people in Austria who donated blood plasma became infected with the hepatitis C virus through no fault of their own due to hygiene deficiencies in a laboratory. Liver cirrhosis, liver cancer and a reduction in working ability were often the consequences. The AUVA ultimately granted those affected a disability pension for chronic hepatitis. In addition, the HCV fund was set up by the federal government in 2000 with the purpose of providing long-term financial support to those affected. There are now medications with a chance of recovery between 95 and 100 percent, which is why the majority of the AUVA canceled pensions and the HCV fund also reduced benefits. However, advanced damage to the liver of those affected cannot be completely restored despite better medication and therapies. Damage, loss of income and restrictions remain permanent companions for those affected. Media contact can be made with the mouthpiece of those affected, Gerald O..

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