New IT-KV round without result: Little movement visible in the union

WKÖ-Zandonella: New offer from the employer side secures the purchasing power of employees in the IT industry – We expect more constructive discussions on February 2nd

Vienna (OTS) Despite a new offer from employers, the 7th round of negotiations on the IT-KV today, Thursday, January 25th, again remained without result. The employer side has offered to increase the minimum salary by 7.76% on a socially staggered basis. It was also suggested that the increase in the minimum salaries should be completed promptly – regardless of whether the actual salaries were finalized. This would prevent the affected employees from having to wait an unnecessarily long time for their minimum increase.

In order to break the stalemate when it comes to increasing IST salaries, the employers also suggest agreeing on an IST qualification over two years. The third component of the offer includes the inclusion of the opening clause in the IT-KV in order to enable a tax-free employee bonus.

“While we have moved significantly since negotiations began, the movement from the union has remained in the tenths of a percent. In our view, this is not enough for constructive negotiations. Rather, the union’s energy has so far been focused on accusations directed at employers, such as the alleged lack of support for lobbying the government for inflation-damping measures. “It was the employers who campaigned massively and successfully for the abolition of cold progression and the tax-free employee bonus,” says Martin Zandonella, chief negotiator for the employers’ side.

By abolishing cold progression and the present offer from employers, the purchasing power of employees in the IT industry will be significantly increased.

For the next round of negotiations on February 2nd, the employers’ side expects more constructive negotiations and, at least for the minimum salaries, a conclusion so that the affected employees are no longer denied increases. (PWK031/ES)

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