Vienna Health Association attracts future doctors with new scholarship |  City vienna

Medical scholarship further recruiting measure in shortage subjects such as child and adolescent psychiatry

Vienna (OTS) From the 2023/24 academic year, the Vienna Health Association will support students in human medicine who, after completing their post-doctoral training, will spend at least five years in a… Clinic of the Vienna Health Association (with the exception of the Vienna General Hospital). The prerequisite is full-time employment with 40 hours per week.

In this way, general practitioners and doctors from certain specialist areas are recruited for the Vienna Health Association. These include: anesthesia and intensive care medicine, child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine, clinical pathology and molecular pathology, orthopedics and traumatology, psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine, radiation therapy-radiation oncology or radiology.

Through incentives like these, Vienna aims to double the number of specialists in child and adolescent psychiatry by 2030.

Ensuring health care for Vienna in the long term

The scholarship makes an important contribution to ensuring long-term health care in the city of Vienna. Starting with the summer semester of 2024, up to 50 medical scholarships will be awarded. Students from the 3rd year of study and onwards who have positive academic success will receive €977 per month. The submission deadline is January 31, 2024.

The new funding program is a cooperation between the OeAD-GmbH – Agency for Education and Internationalization and the Vienna Health Association.

The medical scholarship is one of the Vienna Health Association’s numerous recruiting measures. As part of the recently put together personnel package, doctors in shortage subjects will receive higher starting salaries in the future.


Questions & Contact:

Vienna Health Association
Corporate communications
Press spokesman Markus Pederiva
Tel.: +43 1 404 09-60 543
Mobil: +43 664 609 50-60 543

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