FPÖ – Belakowitsch: “Katzian is probably the chairman of the ‘Red Poets’ Club’” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Vienna (OTS) “Talking so much for an hour and still not saying anything. ÖGB union leader Katzian is probably the typical example of a socialist union bigwig. Considering that Austria has one of the highest tax levels in Europe, it is a testament to the failure of Katzian and his ilk for decades. As a bonus, Katzian and his SPÖ diligently agreed to the Corona measures and the compulsory vaccination, thereby causing massive damage not only to our economy, but also to our society,” reacted today FPÖ club deputy chairman and liberal social spokeswoman NAbg. Dr. Dagmar Belakowitsch on today’s interview in the ORF press hour.

“Everything Katzian is demanding should have been done long ago in the SPÖ-led federal states. If he not only wants to freeze rents, but also wants to consider recourse for the past one to one and a half years, then he is welcome to do so with his comrade Ludwig in Vienna. Katzian is probably the chairman of the ‘Red Poets’ Club’, because it couldn’t be more hypocritical,” says Belakowitsch.

It is probably due to a lack of understanding, whether conscious or unconscious, that Katzian still does not understand the difference between more flexible working hours and a sixty-hour week. “Of course, SPÖ ex-chancellor and Signa supervisory board chairwoman Gusenbauer didn’t have to work that much in a socialist pinstripe suit. However, the SPÖ union boss is not at all bothered by his additional demands for fees in the millions, but hypocrisy shines everywhere.”

“Last but not least, of course, the obligatory FPÖ exclusion could not be missing. He would also like to see FPÖ federal party leader Herbert Kickl’s right to stand as a candidate and thus his basic rights revoked. If he thinks that there is no place for an FPÖ in a government because 70 percent would not vote for the FPÖ, then you have to tell him that 80 percent of voters don’t like socialists,” said Belakowitsch and continued: “He He also said that he would like the industry to do something similar to the firewall against the AfD in Germany in Austria. Mr. Katzian probably pays homage to Marx, Lenin and Stalin – it fits in well with wanting to lock up other opinions, and the only thing missing is the call for a new Cheka.”

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