Leading Companies Austria begins the 2024 financial year

Vienna (OTS) At the official start of the year of the leading companies Austria – together with this year’s host and newly certified leading company IMMOunited – the focus was on optimism for the future and drive. Matching the sporty location – the VIP tent of First Vienna FC 1894.

AI, the climate crisis and making the world of work more flexible are on the daily agendas of companies. We remain confident and see the enormous potential that this brings with it“, is Monica Rintersbacher, Managing Director of Leitbetriebe Austria, is convinced. Rintersbacher adds: “Lead companies are role model companies that are working on solutions and will thus continue to drive the economy in Austria forward in 2024!

Proactively into the new year

The economy continues to face changes. Companies will adapt to current and future circumstances and find solutions. host Roland Schmidmanaging director and owner IMMOunited: “Leading companies are aware of their responsibility in the economy, but also towards society. We are very pleased to be host to so many excellent companies with IMMOunited as the new award-winning leading company. Our team creates transparency in the real estate market and thus we help shape the future of the overall economy.

Sport meets business

As Vice President of First Vienna FC 1894, Roland Schmid offered the opportunity to hold the Leitbetriebe Austria annual start event in the VIP area of ​​First Vienna FC 1894. The participating leading companies were able to be inspired by the sporting spirit of the location. How closely sport and business are linked was discussed in a conversation with the ÖFB President Klaus Mitterdorfer as well as ÖFB team boss Ralf Rangnick. Just like in companies, football is about excellent performance from each individual, but also about well-coordinated teamwork. Ralf RangnickÖFB team boss, relies on team spirit and is highly motivated for the European Championships: “We have a great team and want to go as far as possible at the Euros!

Sport is part of Austrian society, connecting people with each other and at the same time also representing an enormous economic factor. “There needs to be good interaction between business and football. I would like to say a big thank you to all companies that are committed to sport“, so Mitterdorfer.

“Economy 2024” magazine

A highlight of the evening was the presentation of the Leitbetriebe Austria magazine, which has a new look. This year the focus is on artificial intelligence (AI). As can be seen in the content discussion with leading companies, experts and media representatives, the interaction between people and AI will impact all areas of the working world. The technology will improve significantly, optimizing work processes and increasing efficiency. It is up to companies to make intelligent use of this. The Leitbetriebe magazine is now available in free stores.

New and recertifications

On this evening, a total of 18 companies were newly or recertified as leading Austrian companies. “Leading companies are companies that set important milestones for the Austrian economy. “We are pleased to be able to honor so many exemplary companies today,” he said Andreas GnesdaChairman of the Advisory Board at Leitbetriebe Austria, handing over the certificates.

The following companies were newly certified as lead companies:

  • Burgenland Energie AG
  • call us Assistence International GmbH
  • E. Rainalter GmbH
  • IMMOunited GmbH
  • Interzero Circular Solutions Europe GmbH

Further recertifications:

  • BFI – Austrian Vocational Development Institute
  • DocLX Holding GmbH
  • Three Austria | Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH
  • EBCONT group GmbH
  • EQUANS Austria GmbH
  • Vienna Airport AG
  • HEL-WACHT Holding GmbH
  • Herba Chemosan Apotheker-AG
  • LIFTA GmbH
  • NAVAX group of companies
  • sanofi-aventis GmbH
  • TPA Tax Consulting GmbH
  • Zühlke Austria – Zühlke Engineering (Austria) GmbH

Questions & Contact:

LBA Leitbetriebe GmbH
Silvia Kelemen
Heiligenstädter Straße 43, 1190 Vienna
M +43 664 200 17 56 E presse@leitbetriebe.at

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