Prammer/Greens: Right to information on track: Parliamentary hearing confirms draft law by the Greens, ÖVP and SPÖ

The law is to be passed in the Constitutional Committee on January 22nd. Vote in the National Council on January 31st

Vienna (OTS) “For 100 years, municipalities, states and the federal government were able to hide behind official secrecy if they did not want to provide information in response to requests from citizens. This is now over: in place of official secrecy, there will now be a fundamental right to information. This means that authorities – from the municipal office to the federal ministry – are obliged to answer all inquiries from citizens quickly and comprehensively. In doing so, we are keeping our promise to ensure clean and transparent politics,” explains Agnes Prammer, constitutional spokeswoman for the Greens.

“We Greens have always emphasized that the involvement of experts in such a complex issue is essential for us and have therefore invited well-known experts from affected authorities and NGOs, as well as legal experts, to a parliamentary hearing in the Constitutional Committee,” says Prammer and explains: “I am pleased that the experts have confirmed again today that we are on the right track with the introduction of freedom of information. I would like to thank all participants for their input, a lot of which we want to take from today’s hearing into the final votes.”

The law is scheduled to be passed in the Constitutional Committee on January 22nd. The vote in the National Council plenary follows on January 31st. “Then it will forever be: Baba official secrecy, hello freedom of information,” says Prammer happily.

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+43-1 40110-6317

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