It should be at least a good, long -mature Gruyère among law students and not a cheap Emmentaler who is stuck between the book pages.
Photo: Astoko/Pixabay
The idea of capitalist competition, in which the most powerful (whereby the type of “performance” seems to be unimportant), and the endeavor to include the social “winners” (which already raised young people in this society and are constantly being encouraged) produces a very specific variety: the assge.
And that’s not just a baseless claim that is thrown away. I allow myself to lead a current example from real life for this thesis.
A friend recently told me about a practice that has apparently been common among law students for several years: certain books that are particularly important in the context of a legal training, if not indispensable, are missing in the department library from one day to next or are at the location where they should actually be, because a student hid them. That means: He has the books so that nobody besides himself has access to the point where they belong, removed and brought to other places where nobody suspects them.
The good column
Thomas Blum In principle, it does not agree with the prevailing so -called reality. For the time being, he will not be able to change them, but he can use them to exhort them or, if necessary, also cover one. So that the bad withdraws. We are solidarity with his fight against reality. Therefore, “the good column” appears at this point on Mondays. Only the best quality for the best readers! The collected texts can be found at:
The title »Exam repetition civil law«, which was at least 50 euros in bookstores, can then no longer be borrowed for other students. Because six of the seven existing editions of it made anyone disappear: For example, two weeks ago, one copy happened to be fell into a rinsing water box in the toilet rooms, another was artfully clamped behind a radiator. Two are now in the German Studies Library behind the slightly dusty historical-critical overall edition of Eduard Mörikes’ works, where it will never be found. And two more have unfortunately fallen between two book rows so unhappily that you will probably only discover them at the next inventory – or as always the procedure at libraries – will be called. Only the seventh and last copy lies on the desk at a very specific person at home.
Would you like another example? Imagine that you need a very specific scientific essay, which the lecturer for exam preparation is strongly recommended, and the book in which he is printed is only one specimen in the library. No problem! In order to get hold of the text, a single brave handle is enough: with a single jerk! Ritscheratsche / tears paper with a lot of crackling – is reliably ensured that the attachment hikes where it belongs: in the inside pocket of her jack.
Other important passages in books can be bought in a dark, difficult-to-see corner of the library with a commercially available Edding pen in no time or let their creativity run free: “A particularly grotesque case of destruction occurred as a student of cheese slices in the books, which served to let the respective pages rot, so that the content becomes unpleasant,” Website »Talent Rocket«, a »career platform« for prospective lawyers, on which other helpful tips for promoting your own career can be found.
So one learns early on the skills of survival, which are indispensable in capitalism: others only consider combatants and to be defeated; provide disadvantages with unfair means; withheld something from others that you enjoy yourself; do not treat others.
Admittedly, the fact that the virtue of solidarity, traditionally mostly very conservative or politically indifferent law students, is particularly pronounced, had not yet been accepted anyway.
In any case, the goal of such a ramble as described above is completely opposed to the idea of a library. And it is more than just that: here the measure of the brutalization of the “competitor”, which is interested in nothing other than to gain advantages at all costs, and the alleged service provider, the main performance of which is actually to hinder, hinder, sabotage and demoralize where it is only possible. So one learns early on the skills of survival, which are indispensable in capitalism: others only consider combatants and to be defeated; make life difficult for others; provide disadvantages with unfair means; withheld something from others that you enjoy yourself; do not treat others; Others betray and sell; others consider human material that are only used as their own advancement. It is about mutating into the perfect selfish, perfecting the elbows of the elbows as soon as possible in the adolescence, the efforts of the supposed competition to suffocate in the bud.
In the political advertising jargon of the right and “economic liberal” parties translated, this behavior, which is considered desirable, then naturally means very different: willingness to perform, economic competence, change of mentality, entrepreneurial commitment, and consider the invisible hand of the market.
I am not sure whether, for a better future, science of law and its reasonable application should not be left to people other than it. In any case, it is certain: modeling yourself as a student for the perfect, flawless ass violence seems to be a goal of striving among law students.