Ezzes by Estis – Schmus

Point of View: How I can think of an important addition to the nested.

Photo: dpa | Danny Gohlke

Where were we right now? Right: with Schmonzes. Although nothing is wrong with the Schmonzes, otherwise it would not be a Schmonzes.

And if we are already at Schmonzes or rather: what else about Schmonzes – except us? With Schmonzes, at least the Schmu and the cuddle are still. What is cuddling? I don’t want to grum a big one, although Schmus is exactly that: big around it. But why should someone go over it if they could also be directly cleaned in the middle? Now, because he believes: the more you talk, the greater the likelihood of saying something right. But Schmus makes no less cuddle through even more cuddles, but sometimes even more.

In addition, some of them are still lifting in your own words, even if they only float around it.

Now you know that if you don’t want to talk, you have to be silent. But silence is difficult. And you also know that it is wrong to be silent when you have something to say, even if you often don’t know what exactly you have to say – that’s why you talk. Silence is also difficult.

Some talk a lot, but about little; Others talk about everything, but say nothing; Still others – even if they are sometimes the same – do not speak for the other and not even for themselves, but only for the sake of speaking. After all, silence is difficult.

Admittedly, if you talk on the side, some activities work much better. For example, conversations. Silence, on the other hand, is difficult. This can be seen from how long the training as a psychoanalyst takes.

Ezzes von was

Magnus Terhorst

Alexander Estis, a freelance Jew without a permanent residence, writes so much Schmonzes in this column that the pejes grow.

In order to make cuddles, however, you don’t need training, because it is a gift: either you have it – or you suffer from it.

Anyone who suffers from it goes to the doctor and let the cuddle examine by suffering from. After the doctor examined the cuddle, he begins to make cuddles about it. The creation of cuddling, he says, is developed in some patients as an independent function in such a way that it is reminiscent of talk both psychologically and physiologically only. The perception of the opposite is only rudimentary, the semantics minimized, the speech melody monotonous, the exhaustive air flow almost unhindered, the temporomandibular joint loosened, the tongue in the front area of ​​the throat space.

The gifted with extraordinary cuddly ability are bladderly blistered with jelly -likeness. They are, almost bursting before the announcement, on the continuous search, on the hunt for a victim through which they could let their logorrhea flow out. The most perfidious of them are those who also resent their own conversation: you stop them by listening.

That sounds clever. Those who talk cuddle usually think that they say a little clever. But this is because they talk too much to be able to think a lot. It is also written: “I don’t eat until I spoke my words.” And that is not exactly beneficial for these words that are spoken there because it is many words and take many words for long; And who does not eat for a long time, gets hungry; And who wants to eat hungry; And if you want to eat, don’t think; And if you don’t want to think, don’t want to be silent; And if you don’t want to be silent, you have to talk. But silence is difficult. And so it finally comes to the final triumph of the cuddle.

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