5 signs that your apartment needs a renovation

Graz (OTS) –

Housing renovations are usually carried out When moving In a new home (to adapt the apartment to your own needs and wishes), Before selling or renting (to increase the market value of the property) and In the event of major damagethat urgently need to be remedied.

As a rule, housing renovations are carried out only about every ten years or even less frequently. The effort and the costs often scare, because a number of trades are involved in the complete renovation of an apartment and the time required should not be underestimated. But a renovation increases the functionality of the apartment The quality of life also increases significantly and also increases. In addition, the expansion of smaller damage is prevented by timely renovation.

The platform daibau.at, on the 1,140 companies are registered for house and housing renovation, based on practical experience The most common signs made out that apartment renovation is required. You should not ignore these warning signs!

1. The floor plan no longer fits your needs

Over time, living needs change – be it through family growth, home office or the desire for more open rooms. If your apartment is no longer used optimally, a redesign is advisable. One Architect: In Can optimize the floor plan and develop individual solutions. The cost of design planning is between 50 and 120 ꞓ/m².

2. The parquet floor is worn out or damaged

Parquet can be renovated several times by grinding and painting. But if it has been treated too often or is deformed by water damage, it must be replaced. High quality solid parquet costs 60 to 150 ꞓ/m², but a renovation only 20 to 35 ꞓ/m².

3. Furniture is impractical or worn

A poorly planned kitchen or outdated furniture can make it difficult to use the rooms. Custom -made furniture from the carpenter: in offer individual solutions and a high durability. They usually cost between 200 and 500 ꞓ/m², the production time is 1 to 4 months.

4. Windows and doors are leaking or outdated

Badly isolated windows and doors lead to heat loss, drafts and increased risk of mold. An exchange reduces energy costs and improves living comfort. There are plastic windows from 130 ꞓ, while real wood doors with frames cost between 170 and 500 ꞓ.

5. Outdated sanitary installations pose risks

Old water pipes can lead to pipe breaks and water damage – timely renovation protects against high follow -up costs. Especially in older buildings, it is advisable to regularly check sanitary installations and to renew it early.

So it is urgently recommended to get one in good time Specialist company for apartment renovation to turn. In this way, they prevent major problems, the remedy of which would be demanding, time -consuming and possibly even more expensive than a complete apartment.

OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – www.ots.at | Dai

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