National Council decides on educational leave and further measures to renovate budgets

Already immediately after the presentation of the new federal government of the triple coalition from the ÖVP, SPÖ and Neos National Councilor Initial measures for budget renovation decided. Last but not least, an EU deficit procedure is to be avoided. Part of the package is the abolition of the educational leave that has already been announced, which was today specified by the coalition parties by amendment. The educational leave will therefore expire on March 31, 2025, and a transitional regulation has been anchored for existing agreements. In the debate, it was said on the part of the ÖVP and SPÖ that they were committed to a successor model.

The budget renovation package also includes a higher bank tax and the end of the sales tax exemption for small photovoltaic systems. The previous energy crisis contribution for energy generators is also extended for five years by changing the coalition parties. In addition, the revenue threshold from which the “oversprints” should be skimmed down should decrease significantly for electricity companies from April 1st and the amount beyond that beyond.

In addition to ÖVP, SPÖ and NEOS, the Greens voted in second reading for parts of the budget package, but in a separate vote, however, rejected the changes regarding photovoltaic systems, the end of the exemption regarding insurance tax for electric vehicles, the abolition of educational leave and the changes to the energy crisis contribution. In turn, they brought applications, which, however, remained in the minority. The Greens called for the maintenance of the sales tax exemption for small photovoltaic systems, a target -safe reform of the educational leave instead of their abolition and renewal of climate funding as well as a “conclusion with climate -damaging subsidies”.

In order to have more flexibility in the budget, the National Council has also decided on a statutory budget provision. It replaces the automatic budget provisorium and will apply until there is a final budget for 2025.

MPs have also unanimously adopted a new credit service provider and credit seller law to implement an EU directive.

Education leave expires on March 31, 2025

According to the amendment application, the further training allowance and the part -time part -time allowance will expire on March 31, 2025. Educational leave and part -time education can continue to be agreed with the employer in the future, and state support for employees: In this time, however, there will no longer be any inside. However, a transitional arrangement has been anchored for or impending education. If an educational leave in modules has been agreed, open modules can be completed if there is an approved claim by the labor market service by the end of March 2025. These regulations should also apply if an agreement has been concluded by the end of February 2025 and the educational measure begins on May 31, 2025 at the latest.

Evaluations would be low or negative effects of an educational leave on employment and income of the participants: The measure is justified. The total expenditure for this has increased from 236 million ꞓ (2019) to 646 million ꞓ (2024).

Numerous other budget renovation measures

This was installed for the educational leave in the so -called Budget renovation measures law 2025which contains numerous other measures to reduce budget deficit. For example, banks and energy companies have to contribute to budget renovation through temporary special taxes. The government also expects additional budget income from various adjustments in the Tobacco Tax Act, higher fees for betting operations and an extension of the top tax rate.

Specifically, the package provides, among other things, to cancel the sales tax exemption for photovoltaic modules from April 1, 2025, whereby a transitional regulation is scheduled for contracts concluded before March 7. The exemption from motor -related insurance tax for electric vehicles should also fall from the beginning of April. However, according to explanations, at least a certain tax improvement of the electric vehicles should be maintained. In the future, mopeds with electrical drive should be liberated.

In addition, the top tax rate of 55 % is extended by another four years – until 2029 – and the legal transaction fee for bets for bets from 2 % to 5 % of the betting operations is increased. To increase tobacco tax volume, the minimum consumption tax on cigarettes from 163 ꞓ to 175 ꞓ each 1,000 each is increased. Tobacco for heating is also taxed more. On the one hand, banks should make a contribution to budget renovation by increasing the stability tax and on the other hand by special payments in 2025 and 2026 in the amount of around 300 million ꞓ.

With the extension of the energy crisis contribution current (EKB-S), market revenues (surplus proceeds), which are over 90 ꞓ per megawatt hour, are skimmed up for systems that were put into operation before April 1, 2025. A threshold of 100 ꞓ per megawatt hour applies to systems that will be put into operation from April 1. The measure should apply for five years in five survey periods until April 1, 2030. As in the past, there is a deductible amount for favored investments. According to explanations, the EKB-S should not only be a contribution to budget consolidation, but this should continue to serve to be lexified in the energy sector for the lex.

For the energy crisis contribution Fossil energy sources (EKB-F) of 40 % of the assessment basis, the last survey period should end with the calendar year 2029. The EKB-F is to be paid for taxable profits that are more than 5 % above the average amount.

Debate about rapid measures by the new federal government

The budget renovation represents a “huge task” and, despite the urgent time based on data, facts, and scientific analyzes, finance Minister Markus Marterbauer said. He also emphasized that the renovation of the budget is not an end in itself, but that scope for future issues should be opened. The State Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Affairs Elisabeth Zehetner-Piewald also sees challenging times and companies under pressure. It is about securing prosperity in Austria and ensuring a strong future. It is important that energy remains affordable for people and that companies have planning security. Due to the energy cost contribution, income would flow into the budget without increasing energy prices. Investments in renewable energy would remain credited, the State Secretary was convinced that the energy transition would not be slowed down, but strengthened.

A few days after the Federal Government agreed, there was a package of measures to consolidate, emphasized Andreas Hanger (ÖVP), so that the necessary steps are immediately taken for solutions. According to Klaus Lindinger (ÖVP), a new, accurate model is to be set up as a successor to the educational leave. A determined package of measures had now been put together, said Angela Baumgartner (ÖVP). In view of the economic challenges, a double budget should follow promptly.

Kai Jan Krainer (SPÖ) also emphasized that there was already a package of measures 100 hours after the Federal Government committed, for example with regard to the top tax rate and the moderate inclusion of electric vehicles in the insurance tax. As far as educational leave is concerned, social democracy will do everything possible to create a successor model, emphasized Barbara Teiber (SPÖ). It is important to enable people with low formal qualifications.

In a short time, effective measures are to be taken because the EU Commission expected a timetable, said Karin Doppelbauer (NEOS). The Neos is also about a compromise. From the current measures, it gave the energy cost contribution, among other things. If there is no time, it is important to act, and that is now being done, says Markus Hofer (Neos). In this way, the banking fee is increased and motor-related insurance tax is also applicable for e-mobility. Johannes Gasser (NEOS) said about educational leave that this had not helped the labor market. He also referred to other support services such as the skilled worker scholarship or the self -supporting scholarship.

Arnold Schiefer (FPÖ) does not see why the “shards” would have to be cleared away with regard to the budget now, but still wants to “support where it can be supported”. However, he fears that there are not many reforms left. Hubert Fuchs (FPÖ), in turn, would expect transparency and an effect on effect on packages of measures. The EU deficit procedure for the “biggest budget hole of all time” was also only prevented in the first step by the active intervention of the FPÖ. Similar to Markus Leinfellner (FPÖ), he did not save with criticism of the new government or the “losing coalition” he described.

Jakob Schwarz (Greens) offered constructive cooperation, but also did not hold behind the mountain with his criticism in terms of cuts in climate funding. Instead, climate -damaging measures would be reintroduced, he complained. So climate goals would not be achieved. Nina Tomaselli (Greens) also locates an “anti-future policy” in the measures. Markus Koza (Greens), in turn, criticized the abolition of educational leave, and criticized that in the future one had to be rich to afford further training and thereby also threaten unemployment.

Statutory budget provision for 2025

Since the MPs did not decide on a budget for 2025 due to the National Council election last autumn, an automatic budget provisional has been in force since then. With this, the expenditure limits of the Federal Finance Act 2024 were de facto, whereby there is also a lid for debt shots.

The one decided today today legal provisional should now bring more flexibility up to the final decision of the Federal Finance Act 2025. A corresponding legal request from the three coalition parties has also received the approval of the Greens. The MPs want to ensure the ongoing financing of the federal budget.

The legal provisional is important so that the automatic transfer fee was determined by finance Minister Marterbauer. The legal provisional provision serves the financial stability of the republic, says Andreas Hanger (ÖVP). Karin Greiner (SPÖ) supplemented that a template for personnel equipment and the budgetary adjustments regarding the new ministries should be made at the end of March.

Efficient secondary market for needy loans

The National Council unanimously has a new one Credit service provider and credit seller law decided. Austria thus implements an EU directive. The aim is to establish an efficient secondary market for “necessary loans” in Europe through a uniform legal framework for credit service providers and buyers. For example, credit institutions who have many needy loans and do not have the personnel or expertise in order to properly manage them to be able to sell them more easily to a credit buyer with the necessary willingness to take risks and property competence. As the responsible authority, the financial market statement authority (FMA) should receive the necessary supervisory, investigation and sanction powers. (Continued National Council) MBU/GS

Note: Sessions of the National Council and the Federal Council can also be followed by Livestream and are as video-on-demand in the Parliament media library available.

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