The third 380/110 kV major transformer in the Zaya (Lower Austria) substation The Austrian Power Grid (APG) is in operation. In July 2024 by Heavy -duty transport Delivered, the 300-ton steel giant has been upgraded in the past six months and is now improving the local power supply. In addition, it increases the feed -in power of renewable electricity in the particularly wind and sun -rich region by a third: a total of 900 megavolta pairs are now available at the location, which roughly corresponds to the connection performance of 225,000 households – an important step for the supply -safe, affordable energy transition in the region. The electricity network operator APG invested around 10 million euros in the construction of the transformer and the necessary structural adjustments in the factory. With the achievement of this milestone, the construction work in the new Zaya substation, which started in June 2019, has been completed for the time being.
From Neusiedl an der Zaya to all of Austria: Trafo as a link
The higher transformer capacity also makes an important contribution to the energy transition across Austria: “If a lot of green electricity is generated in the Weinviertel, it can be led into the APG network from Neusiedl at Zaya – either directly to the consumers or to large storage power plants in the Alps,” explains Bernhard Joksch, who extends for APG as project manager Construction measures are headed in substation. He adds: “Transformers are, so to speak, the link between the 110-kilovolt distribution network of Netz Lower Austria and the 380-kilovolt transmission network from APG: They convert the current from one voltage level to the other and thus enable either its use on site or transport over long routes.”
Commissioning by clicking from Vienna and with a fire guard of the local fire brigade
Before a transformer goes to the network, it is put through its paces – attempts to tension, electricity attempts, trigger samples are simulated, protective devices are set. Are all components fully functional? Joksch: “When a transformer goes online, this is in the truest sense of the word: On the day of commissioning, it is put under excitement for the first time in the island operation – the preparatory work in the Zaya substation took about 1.5 years. The actual takeover to the system happens completely digitally. With a click of the mouse, the new system from Vienna Favorites will be switched to the system in the APG control center and handed over to the management ‘, as the jargon says. ” So on March 5, under the presence of the Neusiedl volunteer fire brigade on Zaya – St. Ulrich, which took over the fire guard – for safety. In addition, the fire station for transformer-taking was also combined with the annual fire brigade exercise. This ensures that everyone involved is familiar with and, if necessary, react quickly. From now on, the transformer is in full operation and is operational.
APG invests 9 billion euros in network infrastructure by 2034, 1.7 billion euros of it in Lower Austria alone:
The wine district management and the Zaya substation were officially put into operation in autumn 2022. Company spokesman Christoph Schuh: “The APG investment program, which weighs over 200 million euros in a total of over 200 million euros in the Weinviertel, makes a significant contribution to the safe power supply to Austria and Lower Austria. In addition, this increases the availability of inexpensive electricity in this country, while import dependence is reduced – two decisive factors for a strong business location. Nationwide, APG is therefore investing around nine billion euros in the domestic electricity system by 2034, including 1.7 billion euros in the reinforcement and expansion of the network infrastructure in Lower Austria. ”
About Austrian Power Grid (APG)
As an independent transmission system operator, Austrian Power Grid (APG) is responsible for safe power supply Austria. With our powerful and digital electricity infrastructure, as well as the application of State-of-the-art-Technologien If we integrate renewable energies and thus reduce import dependency, are platform for the electricity market, create access to inexpensive electricity and thus form the basis for a supply-proof and future-proof economic and lifeline. The APG network extends over a route length of around 3,500 km, which the company maintains with a team of around 1,000 specialist: operates, maintains and continuously the increasing requirements of the electrification adapted to society, economy and industry. A large part of the 67 substances that are distributed throughout Austria are operated by the tax center in Vienna. In 2024, security of supply was also thanks to the committed employees: inside, 99.99 percent and thus in the world’s top field. Our investments of 640 million euros 2025 (2024: 440 million, 2023: 490 million euros) are Economic engine And essential building block for the achievement of Austria’s energy goals. A total of APG will invest around 9 billion euros in the network and conversion by 2034.