In an interview with the “Welt am Sonntag”, EU Commissioner Brunner announced a law to establish a European return system. Freedom EU MP Petra Steger, who is also a member of the Committee on Civil Freedoms, Justice and Interior (Libe), sees anything but a real trend reversal: “Instead of finally enforcing the Dublin rules as the central point of the new return line, the Brussels system throws around with fog grenades and thus hopes to appease the population. Because an essential point of the return guideline should be that anyone who does not apply for his asylum application in the first EU country at the EU external border as an illegal migrant falls under the return directive in the first EU country. This is the only way to park the tractor and send a clear and unmistakable line outwards that there is zero tolerance for legal violations! “
“Furthermore, deportation centers outside the EU are a longstanding free demand, but they will be overcrowded within a very short time if the urgently needed return agreements are not enforced at the same time. States that refuse to withdraw their illegal asylum seekers must therefore be deleted immediately on development aid and all other support payments. However, the EU Commission is not willing to take this step, which is why the deportation system announced by Brunner is doomed to fail, ”emphasized Steger.
“In addition, the fundamental will is missing from the Leyen and CO deportations, such as the lack of returning offensive of Syrian asylum seekers. But also the scandalous commitment to the ECJ judgment, according to which all Afghan women in Europe are entitled to asylum, shows that the EU Commission has long since come to terms with the uncontrolled mass immigration. Even the best deportation system would therefore not use anything if, at the same time, more and more illegal asylum seekers flock to Europe, which is why the protection of the EU external borders is essential for the future of European identity and the security of the population, ”said the Freedom Member of the Member.
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