Ronald M. Schernikau – no blank verses without consensus

“A defeat is a defeat,” says Schernikau. What remains for now are retreat battles – if at all.

Photo: Imago/Wolfgang Maria Weber

Ladies and gentlemen,

One knows one and the other the other. I am Ronald M. Schernikau, I come from West Berlin, I have been GDR citizens since September 1, 1989, I have published three books and I am a communist.

I think the stupidity of the communists is not an argument against communism. Honecker’s attempt to be a good king, as small and puny he failed, he was an attempt to consensus. For me, the fascinating thing about the terrorism of intentiveness was always the clear feeling for me: if they were allowed to, as they wanted, that would be the assembly of the smartest. No, more: it is already this meeting through terrorism.

Why didn’t the GDR want to be praised? I will never understand that. In the western books of the dissidents I only read the tremendous song about the future. I bow to all of them and there is no but against their experience.

But there was this consensus. I suspect you all underestimated this consensus. It was he from whom they lived. He made her speeches so artistic, her children’s books so funny, her blank verse so exciting. The FRG has not produced a single blank in its forty years, not a single one. – Defended no longer have to be defended, the ability to blank must be defended. There is no blank verse without consensus. Why did everyone take part? Because socialism was.

Anyone who is impressed by the imagination of their teachers is to blame. When the stupidity of the communists made people anti -communists: then it was their most terrible mistake. (…)

The West has, and this is such an old trick that is introduced to morality so that it does not have to talk about politics. Morality, because it chooses the heartbreaking one from all possible points of view, makes itself incapable of action; That’s why it is so popular. Moralizing a process means taking his content. This happened with Erich Honecker. The western newspapers struggle with a grin when they present the free sofas from Wandlitz.

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The victory had taken place when the GDR newspapers demanded the end of privilege rule. What could take your place? The publishers’ employees bravely demanded democracy in the company plus participation of western corporations. Was the civic really that bad?

The enemy’s victory does not put me in sadness, a defeat is a defeat, these are matters of a century. What amazes me is the perfect defenselessness with which the West is granted input, the consent, very self -evident, the self -destruction of the communists. I have lost any faith! That means: I am ready to leave myself completely to the West. As soon as Honecker has fallen, the universities dissolve Marxism, when Dewag advertises David Bowie (after all), the »FF« prints the Horoscopes and the writers found advice centers for their readers or an SPD. Where did you leave your history books? The Communists give away their publishers that the Hungarian government sets up a radio station of the CIA in their country, and the GDR writer’s association protests against the subsidies that it receives from the state. They all went crazy.

The GDR has proven that newspaper editors, if you only leave them, do not make wiser newspapers, but stupid. In the past nothing stood in the newspapers, today the wrong one stands in it; The world acts absurd when it presents us with such a terrible choice, but if I have to, I choose the first state.

The GDR has made itself defenseless, systematically, with open eyes. Finally we can also use the experiences of the left in the west!, That means: We will need them bitterly. Anyone who demands the union will get the entrepreneurial association. If you want the video recorder, you will get the video films. If you want the color of the West, you will get the despair of the West. If you want to eat bananas, you have to starve negro. If you want to overcome the division of Europe, you have to let the West win.

I think the stupidity of the communists is not an argument against communism.

Ladies and gentlemen, you do not yet know about the measure of submission that the West demands for each of his residents. What you have understood for the time being: the West is strong. Instead of promoting your bad government’s good business, you have brought the government’s enemies into the country. You have been given a Minister of Culture, who is already a few green boys from the mirror to a completely helpless, a disgusting defeat.

The strategy of rolling back has risen. The West won. He won because his forms of rule have become social democratic. The late capitalist economy no longer needs justification for its existence. Your mechanisms prevail whether we want or not. A central committee against the World Bank looks like anachronistic, but as only sensible. Schalck-Golodkowski was the last internationalist, his end is the end of the party offices in the west, the end of the communist publishers there, the end of the place where I used to be. This is a pain to stay cold before you have a certain right; I just want to draw her attention to him. There have been West Berlin district chairs who refused to vacate their offices, which were about to build barricades.

The stupidity of the lead to Honecker gave us a time when negative neglects. (…) We will have to deal with the very uninteresting questions again, for example: How does the shit get into our heads? The artists will be alone, slowly they understand it.

The only thing that is intricate to me at work is: can praise something. I hate negation.

On November 9, 1989, the counter -revolution won in Germany. I don’t think you will be able to write books without this knowledge in the future.

Thank you.

The unabridged version of this speech can be read in a postally published anthology. Ronald M. Schernikau: Queen in the dirt. Texts at the moment, criminal publisher, 304 p., Br., 18 €.

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