“Full education remains essential even after the voluntary withdrawal. As a people’s party, we welcome this overdue and important step to protect the dignity of the office of the National Council President. Because it cannot be that the office manager of the second highest representative of this republic is suspected of being closely connected to the right -wing extremist scene. However, it must be clear to everyone involved and in particular the President of the National Council that a transition to the agenda is not an option, ”commented the constitutional spokesman for the ÖVP, Wolfgang Gerstl, the recent developments around the former office manager of National Council President Rosenkranz.
“If Walter Rosenkranz now believes that he is released from any responsibility by withdrawing his office manager, he is extremely wrong. Because it is still important to clarify the background of this scandal. Why did Rosenkranz jeopardize his own reputation and dignity of his office until the end to defend Schimanek? Until recently, why did Rosenkranz feel that René Schimanek publicly publicly pronounced the 100 % trust after the investigation became known? And if this was an honest mistake, how did this fatal misjudgment come about? It will need answers to all of these questions. In order not to further endanger the dignity of the Office of the National Council President, I would urgently advise Walter Rosenkranz to answer the citizens’ questions soon, ”concludes Gerstl’s appeal.
OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – www.ots.at | NVP