Session of the Lower Austria Landtag

The state parliament of Lower Austria met today at 1 p.m., chaired by President Mag. Karl Wilfing.

At the beginning of the session there was a Current hour on the subject “Fairness in health care instead of uncertainty of patients in Vienna” held.

Deputy DI Franz Dinhobl (VP) pointed out that the headline of the city of Vienna would be infiltrated by the care of guest patients from Lower Austria, which is concerned about uncertainty in patients. He does not accept the reasoning of the Vienna City Council Hacker, the lack of financing as a reason, because this was clearly regulated in the financial equalization. According to the 15A agreement, Lower Austria waives 464 million euros in financial equalization for the cross-border care of patients. Dinhobl said that there should be no limits in health care and Lower Austria calls for compliance with the existing agreement and rejects one -sided changes or even termination. In addition, Vienna’s attitude is unconstitutional, which would also confirm experts.

MP René Pfister (SP) assumed his previous speaker that his explanations would be without the basis and truth. In fact, a large part of the people from Lower Austria, partly from Burgenland, would also push to Vienna because Lower Austria only manages to provide 75 percent of patients in their own health facilities. The federal state is thus in the penultimate position in the case of the supply -tight. Pfister also addressed his criticism to State Councilor Schleritzko, who spoke of over 500 million euros that Lower Austria transferred to Vienna. First of all, this is not understandable, secondly, the numbers would do without every basis and thirdly, all of this was “eye swiping”, because bilateral agreements for guest patients are possible.

MP Mag. Edith Kollermann (NEOS) said that the big question in healthcare “Who should and where and where and where” was not easy to answer due to much too complex financing structures and because of federalism. She also said that the discussion about guest patients comes up again and again because the data collection is still inadequate, as well as the cross -country interaction. As a result, the clearing currents are still not sufficiently shown in the financial equalization. This is only helping transparency, which is why the three goals of the NEOs are: financing in the healthcare system from a single source, regulating the compensation for guest patients in financial equalization and all patients at the necessary speed.

MP Mag. Silvia Moser, MSC (Greens) said that fairness would be more than appropriate for the patients in Lower Austria. Tensioning them in front of the voting carts is more than unfair. In 2023, the proportion of guest patients in Vienna was 20.4 percent, 16.2 percent came from Lower Austria – that would have been much more in the past. Federal borders in very small Austria are not very useful in the health sector, the question is whether federalism is not poison for ensuring fair health care in Austria. It is about the fact that patients get the right treatment at the right place at the right time, this is not without substantial reforms.

MP Mag. Karin Scheele (SP) emphasized that fairness in the health sector means access for all people to the necessary care measures and good working conditions for employees. Lower Austria did not do his homework, the patient’s level of self -care had to be increased. The waiting lists would always be longer and drove the patients to Vienna.

MP Richard Punz, BA (FP) said that this injustice should not be accepted to create second -class Austrians, was a scandal. It is not just about naked numbers, but about the fundamental: Lower Austrians who had worked in Vienna for a lifetime lost their place in favor of asylum seekers from Viennese homes. That is a question of decency and respect, you are not dealing with people. Vienna could no longer maintain health care due to its asylum policy.

MP Mag. Marlene Zeidler-Beck, MBA (VP) would have expected a shoulder to the best possible health care for all Lower Austrians. Politics should not watch here. The Viennese city government does not play a fair play, create uncertainty in patients and ignore agreements and legal framework. Lower Austria provides over 120,000 Viennese patients outpatient and inpatient. The best possible health care means cooperation and proactive exchange and no bureaucratic hurdles.

Another followed Current hour on the subject “Asylum stop now: End with false tolerance at the expense of our security!”.

MP Martin Antauer (FP) reminded the shocking bloody deed of Villach. The authorities had known about the supposedly person who was supposedly looking for protection, but the Ministry of the Interior had remained idle. That is not an isolated case. Around 9,700 prisoners are currently sitting in Austria’s prisons, more than half are not Austrian citizens. Of the Austrian citizens, a third with a migration background are. Over 100 prisoners are detained due to suspicion of terrorism. The deputy spoke of alarming developments and a failure of the federal government. The MP presented ten measures that would have to be implemented immediately so that families, women and children could be protected, including an asylum stop as long as Austria is overloaded, the stopping of family reunification and that asylum should not be access to citizenship. It is time for a real turn, time for a government that does not see security as an election campaign topic, but as an obligation to the citizens.

MP Christoph Kainz (VP) emphasized that security was undoubtedly the highest good, so everyone agreed. However, security cannot be guaranteed by steaming fears and in striking pictures, but by working for people’s safety every day. The VP is ready to recharge and take new plants. He stated that the topic that people concerned had to separate, namely into the asylum area and into the migration/integration area. Austria was always a country with a large asylum tradition, he led the Geneva Convention on Refugee, but at the same time stated that life situations had changed and that it was now important to react to it. “Villach” shaken up and showed that stricter rules were needed – on a legal level and the executive would also have to be given the right aids, the MP, for example, stated the monitoring of Messenger services.

MP Mag. Anja Scherzer (FP) said that the title of the current hour was not a coincidence. In the past few weeks and months, the witnesses that had been committed by supposedly protectors have become again in Austria. Often the deeds would have an Islamist background. The MP stated that women and children had become unimaginable violence. The tragedy in Villach shaked everyone. However, such violent acts are no longer an isolated case and that is exactly what makes them all the more dangerous. There would be people behind every headline whose life had been cruel. The policy that such people lets in the country are to blame and accepts such acts approvingly. She said who dismissed the guest law has no place in Austria.

MP Mag. Helmut Hofer-Gruber (NEOS) said that at regular intervals one was confronted with the fact that young men prick it on people or drive in crowds with cars. At just as regular intervals, the FP would hold current hours in the state parliament on this topic. The FP has been in the state government for three years now and has not brought anything further in this context and have no solutions that can be implemented in the rule of law. However, data protection should not be more important than the security of the population. A responsible dialogue with Islam is necessary.

MP Dominic Hörlezeder (Greens) said the Greens would stand for a human rights -based asylum policy that adheres to the basic values ​​of democracy. The reason for asylum is an inalienable human right. It is the duty to grant people in need and seeking protection, especially in times of global crises and conflicts. Of course, this is an enormous challenge and in many ways also a burden for society. Again and again violent extremists would threaten security, freedom and living together. The FP does not want to solve this problem at all because the FP lives from this problem. The problem can not only be solved at the national level.

MP Kathrin Schindele (SP) said that a lot had been talked about today about the attack in Villach. But it also begins to think about restoring the feeling of security among the population. Anyone who lives in Austria has to respect the law must adhere to rules, and violations of laws would have to be punished in the course of the rule of law. The possibilities of the State Security Service would have to be adapted or expanded. With regard to this problem and in connection with the future federal government, she is very optimistic as a deputy and as a pedagogue. Everyone would be on the same side when it comes to the feeling of security of the population.

MP Michael Sommer (FP) said freedom that prosperity and security are the basic principles after which politics must be done. Anyone who still does not see the current security problem impressively show that the security in the country does not matter. The FP, on the other hand, warned of these developments. The current “shameful acts” are excesses of the abuse of the asylum system, so an “180 degree turn” and an immediate asylum stop are needed. Criminal asylum seekers would have to be brought out of the country immediately and the immediate abolition of the family reunification must be implemented and illegal border crossings must be prevented. The FP does not make any show policy, but set facts that he called, among other things, the comprehensive introduction of the non -cash benefit card. The messenger monitoring, on the other hand, is decidedly rejected because it limits the freedom of the Austrians.

MP Mag. Georg Ecker, Ma (Greens) said that Islamist propaganda passed on Tikok every day, calls for violence and hatred. As a society, one must finally agree that laws that apply here are observed. This is how freedom of expression is also defined. Freedom of expression ends where it is about hate spread and calls to violence. With the digital service act you have an instrument that can be used to take through and to ask Tikk and Co, this content – be it Islamist or neo -Nazi propaganda. And if the FP begins to defend this, then you know that it is about splitting and recessing, but certainly not about solutions in the country.

MP Ing. Bernhard Ebner, MSC (VP) at the beginning expressed his sympathy of the young man from Villach. For debate, he said that the FP likes to call itself a security party and her federal party chairman was commissioned to form a government. But Kickl was just about the Ministry of the Interior. He thanked Christian Stocker that he had remained hard because it secured the security in the country. The FP establishes itself today and formulate demands to the new federal government, which can be found in the new government program anyway. Furthermore, the numbers in the asylum report are declining and the asylum stop has an effect. Today more will be deported than in 2019 under Interior Minister Kickl. You can see that the work of black interior ministers works. There are also many measures in the new government program. He said the new federal government took the topic very seriously.


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