Financial education for young people of young people
Vienna (OTS) –

The WU Center for Financial Education and the Federal Trade Academy Vienna 10 invite you to a financial education festival and present the new financial education initiative “Money Mentors”: young people as experts for their own peer group and as a multiplier in the educational Grätzel.

Following the model of the WU’s financial education coaches, the Financial-savvy HAK students as Money Mentors not only take responsibility for themselves, but also present their work results in the educational grown in Vienna favorites or on February 27th at the WU Vienna .

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Fuhrmann, head of the Center for Financial Education: “HAK students: Inside, who deal with financial education-relevant topics such as FOMO, crypto, dropshiping, lootboxes & co and with the associated business models, are important multiplier: inside and credible role models for the same age and younger students: inside, what conscious handling concerns with money and financial issues – so we get the “Money Mentors” before the Curtain!”

Financial education for young people – invitation

Media representatives are cordially invited! Please for informal registration:

Datum: 27.02.2025, 10:00 a.m.

Art: Lectures and discussions

Ort: Economic University Vienna – Building AD

World trading place 1

1020 Wien

Bhak bhas wien 10
Mag. Jörg Hopfgartner
Telefon: 0699/13202885

OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – | Nef


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