International cooperation is crumbling: New government has to act
Vienna (OTS) –

“If the commitment to international cooperation for decades of Common Sense, it is now under fire. The next Austrian federal government is called for action because Austria was and is a great profiteer of international and EU agreements. Our prosperity and stability would be unthinkable without them, ”recalls Lukas Wank the coalition negotiators of ÖVP, SPÖ and Neos.

The next coalition in Austria announces itself to a geopolitically sensitive phase – at a time when US President Donald Trump is apparently willing to rule without governing and resigning from the United Nations, the managing director of AG warns global responsibility. “”It is particularly alarming that the US government turns to Russia on the third anniversary of the Russian War of Agency against Ukraine and tries to blackmail raw materials from Ukraine in return for military support. Wars for resources are not new. However, the fact that the United States shakes the foundations of the basic festivals of the world order and cancel international cooperation is a serious threat“. This paradigm shift will present Europe and Austria with serious challenges. A break with liberal and democratic values ​​as well as a weakening of multilateral institutions are direct consequences that Austria will also feel.

Appeal at the outer department: Use neutral and diplomatic role actively and develop development policy engagement

In view of the coalition plans of ÖVP, SPÖ and NEOS, it is to be hoped that Austria is now significantly counteracting a ‘policy of strong men’. This is exclusively for profit and power – at the expense of the weakest in your own country and worldwide. History teaches us that a short -sighted policy that stirs up, split and exploits war has no future. A policy of cohesion, which respect human rights, the environment and climate for well -being to the well -being of current and next generations, but already“, Emphasizes Wank.

The next Foreign Minister can contribute to this by actively using neutral and diplomatic role in Austria and developing developmental and humanitarian commitment, wank and concludes: “A stable world order is in the interests of Austria. At the same time, the government bears a global responsibility For people in poor and fragile countries – for those who, for example, have contributed the least to the climate crisis, but are most threatened with drought and tidal disasters. We therefore urgently advise the next government to have a clear commitment to international cooperation and a future-oriented external and development policy strategy. As a umbrella organization with a broad expertise, we are ready to help shape this path.“

AG Global Responsibility is the umbrella organization of 38 Austrian NGOs of international development and humanitarian aid. Our member organizations carry out 1,000 projects in over 120 countries around the world every year and contribute to a decent life for everyone on a healthy planet.

OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – | GEZ

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