A new era of perception: human sense and technology
Vienna (OTS) –

Seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling: human senses can increasingly be supported or even replaced by technical devices, machines and computers – in return, machines learn to imitate and expand human senses. What news is there at the interface between man and machine and what do they mean for individual people and for a society? Where will the development still lead us?

A new era of perception: human sense and technology

Datum: February 19, 2025, 6:00 p.m.

Art: Lectures and discussions

Ort: APA-Pressezentrum

Laimgrubengasse 8-10

1060 Wien


URL: https://www.cdg.ac.at/events/termin/article/eine-neue-aera-der-wahrnehmung-menschliche-sinne-und-technologie-646

Christian Doppler Research Society
Mag. Christiana Griesbeck
Telephone: +43 1 5042205-24
E-mail: christiana.griesbeck@cdg.ac.at

OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – www.ots.at | CDO


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